2011-01-14 19:02:12 UTC
Can you tell me the differences between an inertial frame and the
preferred frame?
Of course: If we are talking about SR, then there is no such thing as thepreferred frame?
Assertion is not a valid arguement.
understood SR. You don't.....that's all.
(including all Sr observers) is moving inertially.
SRT calls the preferred frame as
an inertial frame.....that's all.
And that is a lie. There is no 'the preferred frame' in SR. So it cannotan inertial frame.....that's all.
be called anything. Your statement also make no logical sense as an
infinite number of different inertial frames cannot ALL be THE ONE preferred
in the universe is in an inertial frame. Every SR observer assumes
that he is in a preferred frame and that's why every SR observer
claims the exclusive properties of the preferred frame.
.. but there are an infinite number of
inertial frames, all with the same physics.
No idiot....inertial frames, all with the same physics.
every SR observer claims the preferred frame to do
No .. there is NO preferred frame in SR .. so it has no propertiesphysics.
That's why every SR observer claims the same laws of physics
of the preferred frame.
No .. there is NO preferred frame in SR .. so it has no laws of physicsof the preferred frame.