2009-01-16 19:45:49 UTC
* How did the US fake the signal transmissions?
They were in low-earth "basic thinking" would start. Blindly accepting ANYTHING the
gummint tells you from "radiation is good for you" to "trans-fats will
make your heart healthy"
to the trip to the moon is surely something OTHER than "basic
thinking", but then you knew that, didn't you?
* How did the US fake the craft that was tracked going to the moon?
On one mission only, they sent an unmanned drone emitting a signalwhich was detected by the Soviets.
you invoking multiple sekret launches?
like a gummint faker and as the REAL question: "How can we fake this
"moon shot" and make it look real?" Remember, unlimited money.
Unlimited authority over all standard bureaucracy.
* How did the US fake the astronauts putting the retroreflectors on
the moon?
The same way the Soviets put theirs on the moon.the moon?
make your lunacy work?
you? Or shall we say, just how big a lie are you willing to tell? And
then your true purpose comes out, doesn't it? You can't help your
mission. You've GOT to start accusing the person bringing up the
anomalies of being insane! Oh my! If they are "insane" [please list
your psychological credentials that permit you to make this
assessment] then we all can safely ignore any ideas they may have,
* Why were the Soviets complicit?
They were bribed (the soviets were funded by Zionist bankers from NewYork).
(purposely) most ignorant person on the internet. Oh I'm sure you know
nothing about world politics. In fact, when you are spewing the "party
line" I'm sure you "know nothing but what you read in the newspapers"
just like very crooked elected official in Washington. You are really
a pretty disgusting example of what self-interest does to a normal
honest human being.
For anyone here who wants proof of Eric's disingenuity, I refer you to
the book By professor Antony C. Sutton, called "The best enemy money
can buy". And then come back and tell us how "intelligent" and
"knowledgeable" Eric is on the subject of U.S - Soviet secret
[snip repetition of cluelessness]
I didn't expect thoughtful answers, I just wanted a quick laugh from
the idiot loon.
Gosh, Eric, is that your final answer? Your "facts" are just yourI didn't expect thoughtful answers, I just wanted a quick laugh from
the idiot loon.
(uneducated) opinion that the person posting these ideas is "insane"?
And that the proper way to treat the mentally ill is to make public
fun of them in an international forum?
Gee, you sure are one "professional" person of "science"!