Was Edmondson Murdered?
(too old to reply)
Nomen Nescio
2009-01-26 22:36:19 UTC
IGNORANCE IS BLISS - you stupid bleedin' sphincter-pile...

YOURS - Laughing Jackass.
<Did you know that Ed Edmondson's death on the beach was a murder?>
-- anon
Details please.
It is possible that this is a misd
I never realized how low the academical standard of Princeton had
collapsed. Students should demand a full compensation. Period.
lol! I agree. I think the Spinner, after his hot sauce defamation,
which he stated after he had knowledge that the allegation had been
dismissed by a competent court as lacking factual basis, can himself
confidently expect a high position of honor in the next lawsuit. JS
has grown bolder and bolder, to the point that not to give him some
suitable recognition would be an act of ingratitude. Vanderbilt can
be included for assisting.
But also I think remailers have become too easy to use, so even the
idiots can use them. What do you say? The result of over-abuses is
only two seem to be permitting posts to rgcp. Very shameful that a
bluffing cyclist has been able to bully them. Is nothing sacred?
Tell me why you ask your posts not to be archived? To provoke the
attorney who is claimed (but it could be gossip) suffers from OCD?
Today, I have my letter to Marilyn Patel etc. to complete, including
the racist references by TUS to "niggers", "Japs" and her husband.
While I do not buy into the most fancified explanation for what did
occur, no good judge can fail to acknowledge that the best needs of
justice are served if S, P and G, who received provocation from the
animals beyond what is humanly possible to endure and could have in
a minor way retaliated, must be exonerated. By the victimization to
which the USCF has become complicit, it has tarnished forever its
own reputation and will be linked to the name and deeds of TUS.
Beware of mangrin. Like randseed, it is run by the DEA or spooks.
Did you know that Ed Edmondson's death on the beach was a murder?
Followup-To: alt.naif
No such header set, no such NG exists. I show you how it is done.
I trimmed off the unnecessary NGs.
Nomen Nescio
2009-01-26 23:35:14 UTC
Jerry Spinrad
snip the 3rd rate ramblings of some dumbo tenured academic with too much time - a type better suited in a fair world to shifting cords of wood - methinks...
Do you mean to suggest that Rob the Robber would do something
Haw haw haw - or that the dyslexia pills actually work?

Haw haw - what a riot you are Sammy-boy. I mean all those legal papers
you keep clogging up the bandwidth with are just too fun - no?. None of
us here at rgc can sleep nites anticipating your next exciting project -
scanning up all the pages in the local telephone directory. Oh boy! Oh
boy!! Now is that gonna be too fun and a half or not??

Haw haw haw - 'pigs-arse'

Jackass Lafferty.
