Why do relativists ignore the "missing" ticks of traveling clock?
(too old to reply)
2008-09-14 21:29:54 UTC
The twins paradox states the clock comes back with
less time shown on the face.
Less time = less ticks of the clock.
If we have the at home clock send out wavepeaks
for each tick, why would the traveling clock not get
some amount of wavepeaks by the time it came home?
The answer.....It would not if it actually counted the
at home ticks the entire time.
As the clock left the planet the wavepeak rate would
slow down and as it came back it would speed up.
When it returned if it actually counted the wavepeaks
the entire time, it would have counted the same
wavepeaks as the at home clock.
Where did the "missing" ticks go?
Why is the traveling clock ignoring the at home tick count?
It is simple.
The clock malfunctioned in it's counting method.
James M Driscoll Jr
Creator of the Clock Malfunction Theory
Yet the Creator of the Clock Malfunction Theory cannot,
dares not, and will not answer the simplest and most
It was answered.
Show the link and the message id where you answered the
question with one word.
I never said I answered it with one word.
Why you have to only have one word is the reason I can
refuse to answer such a sad assed request.
Like I asked you.
Have you stopped licking Einsteins ass and eating his shit?
Yes or No Dirk?
Guess what, everyone knows the answer is No, because
you prove you are still doing such when you try and pull
the diversion tactics instead of following the subject of the
You must love licking his ass and eating his shit huh?
2008-09-21 17:03:24 UTC
On Sep 16, 12:14 pm, "Dirk Van de moortel"
glird wrote ...

Dirk replied,
< In a reply to a message of mine, you answered to 6 topics
written by someone else. Congratulations. >

Perhaps you didn't see it, but my message says,
"Spaceman [James M Driscoll Jr] wrote:"
I was replying to HIS message, not yours.

