Does it not occur to you that removing one mistake in what you are
saying does not substantially change the value of what you are saying
if the remainder is just as bad? Does it not occur to you that
removing one napkinfull of coffeegrounds from a overflowing trash bin
does not make the remainder worthy of reinspection?>�No responses since that time except ones like yours
which contain no mathematics, whatsoever. �I think you are correct.
Scientists have contributed about all they are ever going to
contribute to this conversation.
Well, I keep an open mind. I have never seen anything presented as
proof of a distance contraction that I could not disprove with the
equations I use.
Robert B. Winn
You are not disproving anything. You are simply saying, well, you
obviously haven't followed my recommended procedure of abandoning a
local physical reference as the standard for length and using a
preferred-frame reference to redefine all your lengths for you, and
that way the Galilean transforms would be preserved.
Sorry, that doesn't seem compelling.- Hide quoted text -
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I think it does not seem compelling to you because you limit your
thinking to areas of science where scientific interpretation of time
seems effective.
But what about astronomy?
Did it occur to you that when they were crashing billion dollar probes
into the planet Mars, they could have had more money for research in
the fields of science that interest you if they had landed the Mars
probe successfully the first time?
But they couldn't get the distance correct because they had that
pesky distance contraction.
But after a few trial and error corrections, they managed to land
The stupidity is overwhelming. You have no idea what you are talking
about and you are completely oblivious as to what actually goes on.