Wait For It ...
(too old to reply)
2010-06-18 20:21:22 UTC
This is what is called Hutzpah: the Jew liar cites two maps that
confirm what I just posted.  All the fighting took place in the
territory assigned to the Arabs.  And the maps even show the dates.
According to one of the maps, the Arab troops didn't arrive until May
1948.  The Jewish gangs massacred the villagers at Deir Yassin on
April 9, 1948.  By that time half-a-million Palestinians has already
been chased out of the Arab territory of Palestine.
"During this time, and beyond the command of Haganah or the framework of
Plan Dalet, troops from Irgun and Lehi massacred more than 100 Arabs,
mostly civilians, at Deir Yassin, a move that had an important impact on
the Palestinian Arab population, and one that was *criticised* and
*lamented* by all the principal Jewish authorities of the day".
(Emphasis added to assist comprehension)
So the "principal Jewish authorities" *criticized* the massacre at
Deir Yassin--but they didnt stop the killing; the Jewish slaughter of
Palestinians continued unabated until the Arab troops finally arrived
over a month later.
Did you forget this one?
"On 13 May, the Arab Legion, backed by irregulars, attacked and took
Kfar Etzion, where 127 out of the 131 Jewish defenders were killed and
the prisoners massacred".http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_War
No. I didn't forget Kfar Etzion. In fact you are simply confirming
my original post. I stated that all the fighting took place in the
Arab section of Palestine. Kfar Etzion was located in the Judean
Hills between Jerusalem and Hebron in the southern West Bank. In
other words, the Jews fighting the Arab forces in Kfar Etzion were
occupying land in the Arab section.

No Arab unit ever threatened to invade the Israel that the UN created.
The Jewish claims to a "War of Independence" is a continuing fraud--
the Jews were the aggressors invading the Arab part of Palestine, not
for independence, but for more land--Arab land.
2010-06-18 23:24:41 UTC
On Jun 16, 8:45 pm, "yitzhak in eretz isreal (sic)"
You'll find that no Arabs attacked any Jews anywhere in the territory
of the Jewish state called Israel.
Map of partition ..
Map of Arab attacks ..
.> You fucking tool.
This is what is called Hutzpah: the Jew liar cites two maps that
confirm what I just posted.  All the fighting took place in the
territory assigned to the Arabs.  And the maps even show the dates.
According to one of the maps, the Arab troops didn't arrive until May
1948.  The Jewish gangs massacred the villagers at Deir Yassin on
April 9, 1948.  By that time half-a-million Palestinians has already
been chased out of the Arab territory of Palestine.
"During this time, and beyond the command of Haganah or the framework of
Plan Dalet, troops from Irgun and Lehi massacred more than 100 Arabs,
mostly civilians, at Deir Yassin, a move that had an important impact on
the Palestinian Arab population, and one that was *criticised* and
*lamented* by all the principal Jewish authorities of the day".
(Emphasis added to assist comprehension)
So Jewish authorities *criticized* the slaughter--but the slaughter
went on for another month until the Arab troops arrived.
Did you forget this one?
"On 13 May, the Arab Legion, backed by irregulars, attacked and took
Kfar Etzion, where 127 out of the 131 Jewish defenders were killed and
the prisoners massacred".http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_War
Kfar Etzion was in the Arab section of Palestine. All the fighting
took place in the Arab section of Palestine because the Jews were
invading the Arab section of Palestine. The Jews weren't fighting for
independence; the Jews were fighting for more land--Arab land.

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