Non scrivetemi
2008-10-10 22:41:25 UTC
In article <georgewkspam-***@sn-ip.vsrv->
Money; What a concept !
Whats the difference between Obama and Bush? Besides the
obvious "person of color", there is no difference - except Obama
has not yet been pilloried by the press for his criminal conduct.
When his first indictment for bribery comes down, he'll be torn
and shredded like the tissue tiger he is.>
McCain is scared of people of color and has no answers to Bush's messy
disaster so he has to pretend Obama is the boogy man.
This is two fold. Rove plants the seeds of fear in Joe Sixpack's little
braincase and it gets Bush off the hook.
Sad , but true.economic
disaster so he has to pretend Obama is the boogy man.
This is two fold. Rove plants the seeds of fear in Joe Sixpack's little
braincase and it gets Bush off the hook.
Money; What a concept !
obvious "person of color", there is no difference - except Obama
has not yet been pilloried by the press for his criminal conduct.
When his first indictment for bribery comes down, he'll be torn
and shredded like the tissue tiger he is.