Hail to the Red Herring King.
(too old to reply)
Klaus Schadenfreude
2008-12-10 15:05:48 UTC
You never answered the question, "Why are you saying 'shelved' now
when before you said "stalled?'
Both are slang for not being acted upon.
ROFL No, they're not. They're not even CLOSE.
Do you Really believe that?
Stalled:  3          To halt the motion or progress of; bring to a
You spend a lot of time on the floor,  Is it medical or substance
Nice cherry-picking of definitions there.
You must get very dizzy, spinning every reply to make.
shelved: To put away as though on a shelf; put aside
stalled: To come to a standstill: Negotiations stalled.
Note that one denotes a voluntary action, one doesn't.
And since you've decided to become dishonest, this is where our
conversation, well, stalls.
As I said, both are slang for "Both are slang for not being acted
upon", which is the case, in real life.
And as I said before, you've never been more wrong. Anyone who thinks
they're "both slang for not being acted upon" is, simply, an idiot not
worthy of further discussion.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2008-12-10 15:36:12 UTC
Actually, you've seen the definitions and know that they don't mean
the same thing, yet you continue to insist they do. Even a chimp can
be taught- that much seems to elude you.
You're spinning like a Tornado, which explains the dizziness.
You're sitting like a lump, scratching your head and trying
desperately to explain how "shelved" and "stalled" might mean two very
different things.

I can see you now...

"Gee, they both begin with an 's' and end with an 'ed' so they have to
mean the same thing. Duh."
all Ad Hominem and no substance.
Hypocrisy meters all over the world just bent their needles.

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