Klaus Schadenfreude
2008-12-10 15:05:48 UTC
You never answered the question, "Why are you saying 'shelved' now
when before you said "stalled?'
Both are slang for not being acted upon.when before you said "stalled?'
Stalled: 3 To halt the motion or progress of; bring to a
You spend a lot of time on the floor, Is it medical or substance
shelved: To put away as though on a shelf; put aside
stalled: To come to a standstill: Negotiations stalled.
Note that one denotes a voluntary action, one doesn't.
And since you've decided to become dishonest, this is where our
conversation, well, stalls.
As I said, both are slang for "Both are slang for not being actedstalled: To come to a standstill: Negotiations stalled.
Note that one denotes a voluntary action, one doesn't.
And since you've decided to become dishonest, this is where our
conversation, well, stalls.
upon", which is the case, in real life.
they're "both slang for not being acted upon" is, simply, an idiot not
worthy of further discussion.