Einstein elevator and the EEP
(too old to reply)
2009-04-06 15:35:29 UTC
On Apr 6, 8:19 am, "Dirk Van de moortel"
Einstein elevator and the EEP
After a light pulse is emitted from the top of the
accelerating elevator, the floor of elevator
moves upward, hence the pulse will hit the floor
after a time t < h/c, where h is the distance
between the emitter and the receiver.
After such time t, the light pulse will be at
a distance d1 = ct from the top, and the floor
will have travelled upward a distance
d2= 1/2 gt^2.
From d1 + d2 = h, or ct + 1/2 gt^2 = h, one
gets t = [-c + sqrt(c^2 + 2gh)] / g
= [(c/g) * (sqrt(1 + 2gh/c^2) - 1)],
which is the time at which the pulse meets the
floor. The corresponding upwards velocity of the
floor is then
v = gt = c * (sqrt(1 + 2gh/c^2) -1)
As sqrt(c^2 + 2gh) is approximately equal to
1 + gh/c^2 + (gh/c^2)^2/2,
v =~ c * (gh/c^2 + (gh/c^2)^2/2)
From the formula v/c-1, one gets a blue shift of
gh/c^2 + (gh/c^2)^2/2,
against gh/c^2 for an identical elevator a rest
on the ground.
Even when gh is very small relative to c^2, the
existence of the quadratic term (gh/c^2)^2/2
falsifies the Einstein equivalence principle (EEP),
one of the basis of GRT.
Of course, GRists will claim that such term
is so small that it can safely be dropped!
Of course, people will say that Luttgens in an imbecile.
h = 100
g = 10
c = 3*10^8
g h/c^2 = 1.1 10^(-14)
1/2 (g h/c^2)^2 = 6.2 10^(-29)
Dirk Vdm
Actually, the second order effect has been measured:

B. Linet , P. Teyssandier, “Time transfer and frequency shift to the
order (1/c)^4 in the field of an axisymmetric rotating body”, Phys.
Rev. D, 66, 024045 (2002)
2009-04-07 14:06:03 UTC
On 6 avr, 17:19, "Dirk Van de moortel"
Einstein elevator and the EEP
After a light pulse is emitted from the top of the
accelerating elevator, the floor of elevator
moves upward, hence the pulse will hit the floor
after a time t < h/c, where h is the distance
between the emitter and the receiver.
After such time t, the light pulse will be at
a distance d1 = ct from the top, and the floor
will have travelled upward a distance
d2= 1/2 gt^2.
From d1 + d2 = h, or ct + 1/2 gt^2 = h, one
gets t = [-c + sqrt(c^2 + 2gh)] / g
      = [(c/g) * (sqrt(1 + 2gh/c^2) - 1)],
which is the time at which the pulse meets the
floor. The corresponding upwards velocity of the
floor is then
v = gt = c * (sqrt(1 + 2gh/c^2) -1)
As sqrt(c^2 + 2gh) is approximately equal to
1 + gh/c^2 + (gh/c^2)^2/2,
v =~ c * (gh/c^2 + (gh/c^2)^2/2)
From the formula v/c-1, one gets a blue shift of
gh/c^2 + (gh/c^2)^2/2,
against gh/c^2 for an identical elevator a rest
on the ground.
Even when gh is very small relative to c^2, the
existence of the quadratic term (gh/c^2)^2/2
falsifies the Einstein equivalence principle (EEP),
one of the basis of GRT.
Of course, GRists will claim that such term
is so small that it can safely be dropped!
Of course, people will say that Luttgens in an imbecile.
    h = 100
    g = 10
    c = 3*10^8
    g h/c^2 = 1.1 10^(-14)
    1/2 (g h/c^2)^2 = 6.2 10^(-29)
Of course, people will see that Dirk Vdm is a moron.

According to SR, relative to some frame F, a physical body
set into motion with speed v shortens in the direction of its
motion, in the ratio sqrt(1-v^2/c^2).

Let the "physical body" be a virus of diameter L = 10^-8 m,
moving at v = 10^-8 m/s relative to Vdm.

As v<<c, sqrt(1-v^2/c^2) is very close to 1-v^2/2c^2,
hence, using SR, Vdm should conclude that the virus has
contracted by L * v^2/2c^2 = 10^-8 * 10^-16/(2*9*10^16),
thus approximately by 5.5 * 10^-42 m.

But as Vdm considers that a shift of 6.2 10^(-29) amounts
to zero, iow that the Einstein equivalence principle is
vindicated, he logically must also equal a distance of
5.5 * 10^-42 m to zero, and conclude that SRT is false!
But logic doesn't bother him overmuch!

Marcel Luttgens
Dirk Vdm- Masquer le texte des messages précédents -
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2009-04-07 14:46:22 UTC
On 6 avr, 17:19, "Dirk Van de moortel"
Einstein elevator and the EEP
After a light pulse is emitted from the top of the
accelerating elevator, the floor of elevator
moves upward, hence the pulse will hit the floor
after a time t < h/c, where h is the distance
between the emitter and the receiver.
After such time t, the light pulse will be at
a distance d1 = ct from the top, and the floor
will have travelled upward a distance
d2= 1/2 gt^2.
From d1 + d2 = h, or ct + 1/2 gt^2 = h, one
gets t = [-c + sqrt(c^2 + 2gh)] / g
      = [(c/g) * (sqrt(1 + 2gh/c^2) - 1)],
which is the time at which the pulse meets the
floor. The corresponding upwards velocity of the
floor is then
v = gt = c * (sqrt(1 + 2gh/c^2) -1)
As sqrt(c^2 + 2gh) is approximately equal to
1 + gh/c^2 + (gh/c^2)^2/2,
v =~ c * (gh/c^2 + (gh/c^2)^2/2)
From the formula v/c-1, one gets a blue shift of
gh/c^2 + (gh/c^2)^2/2,
against gh/c^2 for an identical elevator a rest
on the ground.
Even when gh is very small relative to c^2, the
existence of the quadratic term (gh/c^2)^2/2
falsifies the Einstein equivalence principle (EEP),
one of the basis of GRT.
Of course, GRists will claim that such term
is so small that it can safely be dropped!
Of course, people will say that Luttgens in an imbecile.
    h = 100
    g = 10
    c = 3*10^8
    g h/c^2 = 1.1 10^(-14)
    1/2 (g h/c^2)^2 = 6.2 10^(-29)
Dirk Vdm
Of course, people will say that Dirk Vdm is a moron.

According to SR, relative to some frame F, a physical body
set into motion with speed v shortens in the direction of its
motion, in the ratio sqrt(1-v^2/c^2).

Let the "physical body" be a virus of diameter L = 10^-8 m,
moving at v = 10^-8 m/s relative to Vdm.

As v<<c, sqrt(1-v^2/c^2) is very close to 1-v^2/2c^2,
using SR,Vdm should conclude that the virus has
contracted by L * v^2/2c^2 = 10^-8 * 10^-16/(2*9*10^16),
thus approximately by 5.5 * 10^-42 m.

As Vdm considers that a shift of 6.2 10^(-29) amounts
to zero,iow that the Einstein equivalence principle is
vindicated, he logically must also equal a distance of
5.5 * 10^-42 m to zero, and conclude that SRT is falsified!
But logic doesn't bother him overmuch!

Marcel Luttgens
2009-04-07 17:20:33 UTC
snip<- Áðüêñõøç êåéìÝíïõ óå ðáñÜèåóç -
- ÅìöÜíéóç êåéìÝíïõ óå ðáñÜèåóç -
MORON, are you still insisting ACCELERATION=GRAVITY?
The idea is so stupid, and the proof is equally stupid.
Look at DoNut cowering under the weight of his own stupidity :-)
We are witnessing the works of a true polystupid.
Observe as the polystupid denies the equivalence principle and its'
four centuries of supporting observation.
A poly-year student pretending to know something. Only a moron will
think the force of gravity is equal to rate of change of motion

Your lies remind me why you do not graduate:

Top Nine Reasons Why Eric Cannot Graduate:
9. He lies about having a reference for the precession values of Earth
8. He thinks an error bar always means one standard deviation.
7. He does not know what a p-value is.
6. He does not know what a type-1 or type-2 error is.
5. He has no clue what a post-hoc analysis is
4. He thinks the LIGO experiment is positive.
3. He thinks the GPB experiment is positive.
2. He thinks a photon is not in uniform linear motion.
1. He thinks momentum prevents an electron from interacting with a
0. Not because he has anti-social personality disorder.
Not because he diverts posts to alt.morons
Not because he lies about having references
Not because he whines when he loses an argument.
Not because he has not gotten used to losing an argument
Not because he will be a disgrace to his alma mater.
Not because he is undeserving of a Bachelors of Science
Not because he cannot complete his thesis.
Because there are another 10 more reasons why he cannot graduate.