Obama orders Dayton to lower test standards to get more black cops
(too old to reply)
2011-03-18 19:15:18 UTC
As expected the rightard is too stupid and cowardly to actually answer
the question.
Despite what has been said, there are supid questions. That is the
one thing you do well, ask stupid questions, Moron.
Ray Fischer         |  Mendacracy (n.) government by lying
That's funny, your complaining about someone not answering one of your
flawed questions, as you continuously avoid pertinent questions that
would prove you to be a troll, liar or a dolt.
That's convoluted logic, pulled out of your double digit IQ mind? You
haven't earned the courtesy of a reply.
You wrote, "If the test is designed so that the best
scores are in the 50% range then why should everybody be failed? I
asked you to cite that question. I'm Still waiting for an answer.
You're Ducking it because you're caught in a lie, Moron
Ray Fischer
2011-03-19 07:47:42 UTC
What do you read, Hartung? Still playing with crayons and dabbling
in those skinny little Dick and Jane books?
How was the original test's scoring discriminatory?
Not true.
Why not?
Answer my question first as I asked it first.
The rightard coward runs away.  Like all bigoted rightard it ignores
the answer and refuses to respond.
You are the one avoiding here.
Run along, KKKook. Play your game of racist trolling with somebody else.
Ray Fischer | Mendacracy (n.) government by lying
***@sonic.net | The new GOP ideal
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