Ray O'Hara
2008-01-21 00:59:28 UTC
Glory be to Allah; Praise be to Allah; there is no god but
again showing your stupidity, shitstan
yahweh, god the father and allah are all the same guy.
Do you believe in Fairy Tales, too? AND why would an omnipotent Being
need a gender?
because that's the way the jews invented him, idiot.
i'm sure you're very P.C. and all. but we are speaking of a specific
Allah do the job that "God" and fat assed Buddha couldn't pull
Allah is the Arabic word for God. Both Christianity and Muslims
in the same God.
wrong, very wrong!yahweh, god the father and allah are all the same guy.
need a gender?
i'm sure you're very P.C. and all. but we are speaking of a specific
and all three religions that use it say its a him.
{whatta freakin moron}
How did his creation invent him, Dumb Ass?{whatta freakin moron}
don't tell me you actually believe that stuff?
adam and eve? noah?yeah he forgot to pick up the dinos right?
the earth was created in 4004bc.