Curing Einstein's Disease (is Copyrighted)
(too old to reply)
2007-12-27 00:46:29 UTC
An examination of the history of 'Einstein's disease'
indicates that it began to spread after Jews
took a tip from an amazingly prophetic fictional work
I love how cranks don't even bother to hide their blatant antisemitism
these days.
Dear Eric: Pointing out a perceived mistake, isn't automatically
biased, nor is it automatically anti-anything. Claiming untrue
things, just to spite a person or group that one doesn't like 'might'
justify having the accuser classified as "anti-*" (whatever).

I point out errors in physics, because the facts will better promote
improving the world condition. You, on the other hand, embrace the
errors in physics in vain attempts to elevate yourself the ranks of:
"The Order of the Status Quo". May such give you great comfort in
your old age. -- NoEinstein
2007-12-28 05:08:25 UTC
[snip antisemitic idiocy]
Fuck off already, [Potter].
All you do is talk about the jews - jews this, jews that.
You never talk physics, nor could you.
AHAHAHAHA... But how can you blame Potter, Eric?
Potter is a victim of Jewish machinations & manipulations.
He didn't say anything bad nor even Anti-Semitic against
the Jews. Potter simply reports what some of them have
said and done. Deeds like these ones here did in this link
wherein the "you" hopefully does not apply to you yet.
< http://groups.google.com/group/sci.chem/msg/8e9a14df97a3591f >
So, Eric, you must make concessions for Potter.
See, note and try to understand, Eric, that
*** "Nobody is born Anti-Semitic. But Jews are
great and the only good teachers for it" ****
Anti-Semitism is created & promulgated only by Jews.
### Potter is a **VICTIM** of that process ####
= Listen, Eric : No Jews - No Anti-Semitism -
Besides, according to the greatest Jewish patriot,
Ex-PM Ariel Sharon, Anti-Semitism is an extremely
necessary commodity for the survival of Jews.
Anti-Semitism must be proselytized at any cost,
said Ariel Sharon. Here read it for yourself before
they turn YOU into a fully subserviant jerUSAlem
cockroach of the "goyim" type, doing their bidding:
< http://groups.google.com/group/sci.chem/msg/8e9a14df97a3591f >
BTW, Eric, Jews will hold it deeply against you that
you did not capitalize the word "Jew". Some of'em
will label YOU now as a hateful, bigoted and racist
Happy 2008 and congrats for your upcoming B.Sc.
graduation. Kudos to you... and thanks for the laughs
from the many physics AND non-physics items you
have posted about... ahahaha... ahahanson
2007-12-29 17:32:35 UTC
[snip antisemitic idiocy]
Fuck off already.
All you do is talk about the jews - jews this, jews that. You never
talk physics, nor could you.
Dear Eric: It takes one to know one! -- NoEinstein --
