Golden Boar
2006-10-08 18:34:14 UTC
I only had a hit from Androcles' IP-address.
Can you explain that?
Dirk Vdm
Quite easily.
You are simply mistaken.
I have a visied your site a couple of times today, and have just
visited it agian at 18:16 GMT.
So either your websites logging system is crap or you don't know that
much about networking. I'm betting on the latter.
No, I have another explanation.
Either you haven't visited it which means you are a liar,
or you are Androcles, which means you are a liar.
Caught with your pants down.
you didn't even look at.
Dirk Vdm
I have visited the site and I am not Androcles.
Did you have a look at it?
Dirk Vdm
Yes, I have looked at it, and it does not answer the question.Did you have a look at it?
Dirk Vdm
Can you explain that?
Dirk Vdm
You are simply mistaken.
I have a visied your site a couple of times today, and have just
visited it agian at 18:16 GMT.
So either your websites logging system is crap or you don't know that
much about networking. I'm betting on the latter.
Either you haven't visited it which means you are a liar,
or you are Androcles, which means you are a liar.
Caught with your pants down.
You still can't answer the question though can you?
You can't figure out the answer from the explanation thatyou didn't even look at.
Quite hilraious.
Hilariously pitiful, indeed, imbecile.Dirk Vdm
If your logs do not show a hit for 18:16 GMT, then your websites
logging system is crap.
If it does show a hit for that time, then post the IP address you are
referring to, and I will show you that you don't know what you're
talking about.
You have repeatedly avoided answering the simple question, because you
know that the answer will show that I have benn right all along.
to understand the spoonfed information you received, and
for being caught in the act of lying, and there is nothing you
can do about it :-)
Dirk Vdm
You did not provide the IP address, why was that?
Here are some clues.
Both of are ISP's are Telewest.
I am posting from Liverpool
Androcles is posting from Gillingham.
I have visited your website and I am not Androcles.
You are a blatant lier and a fool.
And you still havn't answered the simple question.