The reality (or not) of SRT's effects
(too old to reply)
2010-11-07 14:03:25 UTC
Which is correct as he explained it.   the effect is purely dependent
on the
relative velocities
The effect is not material contraction
'Material' in the sense of a change to the substance of the object
itself in its own (rest) frame .. that is correct.  There is no
inherent / intrinsic change to an object because moving observers
measure it.
no measurement....
Yes .. measurement .. the LT tell you how measurements are affected.  They
are predictions of what the measurements will be.
There is no confirmation (measurement)of the predictions from the
traveling clock point of view.
in SR the observer predicts that the
geometric projection of a moving meter stick is shorter than the
physical length of his meter stick.
And THEN he measures it to find out.
Hey idiot....the physical length of a moving meter stick never been
measured....in fact it is impossible to do so.
This means that there is no
material or physical contraction.
Of course there is a physical contraction .. otherwise what he measures
(which is physical) won't be what is predicted.  And as we are talking about
the consequences of what SR predicts, we are assuming its predictions about
measurements are correct
Hey idiot....it is not possible to measure the physical length of a
moving meter stick.

Ken Seto
You really need to understand what is meant by a theory predicting something
to happen .. that doesn't mean that what is predicted doesn't happen .. it
means it DOES.
[snip nonsense about non-theory called RIT]- Hide quoted text -
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2010-11-11 15:18:30 UTC
Which is correct as he explained it.   the effect is purely dependent
on the
relative velocities
The effect is not material contraction
'Material' in the sense of a change to the substance of the object
itself in its own (rest) frame .. that is correct.  There is no
inherent / intrinsic change to an object because moving observers
measure it.
no measurement....
Yes .. measurement .. the LT tell you how measurements are affected.  They
are predictions of what the measurements will be.
No measurement....the length of a moving meter stick never been
measured. In fact it is impossible to do so.
in SR the observer predicts that the
geometric projection of a moving meter stick is shorter than the
physical length of his meter stick.
And THEN he measures it to find out.
No such measurement ever been made.

Ken Seto
This means that there is no
material or physical contraction.
Of course there is a physical contraction .. otherwise what he measures
(which is physical) won't be what is predicted.  And as we are talking about
the consequences of what SR predicts, we are assuming its predictions about
measurements are correct
You really need to understand what is meant by a theory predicting something
to happen .. that doesn't mean that what is predicted doesn't happen .. it
means it DOES.
[snip nonsense about non-theory called RIT]- Hide quoted text -
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2010-11-17 13:26:14 UTC
No two clocks in relative motion support the SR concept mutual time
No two clocks in relative motion REFUTE the SR concept of mutual time
dilation .. until you can find one's that do, you lose.
Hey idiot....A and B are in relative motion
And, of course, the motion of each must be inertial to get mutual time
Since there is no such thing as inertial motion on earth then the
concept of mutual time dilation is not valid on earth....right?
one of these two clocks
will accumulate clock seconds at a faster rate....
No .. both accumulate clock seconds at one second per second .. how could
they do anything else if they are correct clocks?
??????? Sigh... According to SR, A predicts that B accumulates clock
seconds at a rate of 1/gamma and B predicts that A accumulate clock
seconds at a rate of 1/gamma.
this alone refute
the SR claim of mutual time dilation.
So .. you assert that two clocks exist the refute SR and so SR is refuted.
No idiot....I said that A and B accumulate clock seconds at different
rates and thus refute the claim of mutual time dilation.
BAHAHH.  Where are these clocks you claim exist?  Only in you deluded little
excuse for a mind, moron
Fucking idiot....all clocks in relative motion accumulate clock
seconds at different rates. You are so fucking stupid.

Ken seto

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