(too old to reply)
2009-01-05 18:24:45 UTC
I'm still pissing myself over the ass whooping the Eagles gave the
Crapboys last week, and in one day we manged to win more playoff games
then the Crapboys have in over a decade.
The fuckin joke is on you asswipe! All it means by the iggles beating
the vikes and cowboys is your stupid ass gets to see another 10 years
of AR and MM. That's got to fuck your mind over!! You know how YOU
While the boys are living large with Romo and the puppet?? �You think that's
an improvement? �I'll put up fat andy's and d-mac's numbers against those
two idiots any day- especially with their record in the playoffs!
Put down the bag of paint, you moron.
Fuck you too asswipe! You only fuckin show up what---the last two
games of the season to talk smack? Back to molesting the little girls
on the social penpals NG's you fuckin pervert?
Go fuck yourself while the Giants pound your asses.
2009-01-05 18:45:16 UTC
I'm still pissing myself over the ass whooping the Eagles gave the
Crapboys last week, and in one day we manged to win more playoff games
then the Crapboys have in over a decade.
The fuckin joke is on you asswipe! All it means by the iggles beating
the vikes and cowboys is your stupid ass gets to see another 10 years
of AR and MM. That's got to fuck your mind over!! You know how YOU
While the boys are living large with Romo and the puppet?? �You think that's
an improvement? �I'll put up fat andy's and d-mac's numbers against those
two idiots any day- especially with their record in the playoffs!
Put down the bag of paint, you moron.
Where have you been, pervert? Still stalking the little girls at
social penpals-teenagers? Shut the fuck up pervert! Showing up the
last week of the season is a real sign of a tough iggle fan. (Maybe I
should have said "typical")

2009-01-05 20:19:56 UTC
I'm still pissing myself over the ass whooping the Eagles gave the
Crapboys last week, and in one day we manged to win more playoff games
then the Crapboys have in over a decade.
The fuckin joke is on you asswipe! All it means by the iggles beating
the vikes and cowboys is your stupid ass gets to see another 10 years
of AR and MM. That's got to fuck your mind over!! You know how YOU
While the boys are living large with Romo and the puppet?? �You think that's
an improvement? �I'll put up fat andy's and d-mac's numbers against those
two idiots any day- especially with their record in the playoffs!
Put down the bag of paint, you moron.
Oh look, it's the child molester that hangs out in little girls social
penpals NG. Another asswipe that comes out of the closet last game of
the season.
2009-01-06 01:33:32 UTC
I'm still pissing myself over the ass whooping the Eagles gave the
Crapboys last week, and in one day we manged to win more playoff games
then the Crapboys have in over a decade.
The fuckin joke is on you asswipe! All it means by the iggles beating
the vikes and cowboys is your stupid ass gets to see another 10 years
of AR and MM. That's got to fuck your mind over!! You know how YOU
While the boys are living large with Romo and the puppet?? �You think that's
an improvement? �I'll put up fat andy's and d-mac's numbers against those
two idiots any day- especially with their record in the playoffs!
Put down the bag of paint, you moron.
Have you stopped molesting the little girls in social teenage penpals,
you pervert?

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