Truth About The Last Philly Game
(too old to reply)
2007-01-03 03:58:25 UTC
Good, you admit it, that's a start! At least you know what you are.
I posed it as a question. I never admitted anything. Reading
comprehension seems to be a hot topic in this NG. With your skills I
certainly can see why. Read it again and follow thorugh all the way to
the punctuation.
No, it was a bald face flame. Something trolls do.
You're attributing boldfaced lies to me. I never said I was a troll yet
you flat out lied about that.
Enjoyed your last place schedule, I see.
And your boys blew a huge 4th qtr lead while healthy and at home.
Played the same teams the Giants did. Had a better record. Beat the
Giants by 14 at their place. Not nearly as horrible showing as we had
at home. Oops, you're lied again.
Ah, so you're a stalker too. I have friends everywhere. At least no
one in those NG's called me a troll. Give it up loser!
Not stalking, just able to hit the little tab, clearly marked, that has
your posting history. More effort goes into opening my laptop then it
does to see all of your posts. No one has called you anything anywhere
because you don't exist to them. One liners that have no importance or
substance to the topic. I suppose if you had anything relevent to say
we'd actually be discussing football instead of you inadequacies.
2007-01-04 01:44:52 UTC
Why waste good booze on a troll. Just have him drive straight into his
local bar sans alchy, and take a few idiots out with him, please.
He's too dense to know what a moron he is!
This from Mr. Cellophane.
Does the truth hurt, Mr Wizard? Take a hike to the Green Nirvana
slum you call home.
Remember the Eagles Motto; Don't Puke on your shoes when you lose!
Truth about what? Mr Wizard? I'd love to see a "motto" for the Giants.
The fact is no one really cares that much about North Jersey to come
up with one.
2007-01-04 13:33:29 UTC
But it's ones civic duty to point out a pile of crap so someone else
doesn't step in it, you mental midget! You're such a Horses Ass!
Look in the mirror. It's not your civic duty to do anything but pay
your taxes and obey the laws. Pleas,e don't put any more pressure on
yourself than you can handle. The fact that I seem to be the only
person to ever respond to you in ANY NG should be flattering.
Apparently you aren't used to the attention.
2007-01-04 16:43:43 UTC
You're the Moron who keeps extolling the virtues of your team and its'
coach, yet when asked why the team hasn't won it all you go to ground
like the weasel you are. I'll answer it for you; Your team has never
been good enough to win a SB, all you other BS, aside!
So they haven't won a Super Bowl. I don't lay awake at night worrying
about it. Who is YOUR team? Seriously, tell me what team is YOUR team?
I don't "go around" anywhere. My team is int he NFC East and is playing
the Giants. That's why I'm here. Why are you here? Your'e a guy who
needs to resort to names because he can't carry the weight of a simple
conversation. What's that about?
The Giants played Chi and Seattle and you played GB and SF because of
the schedule.
And if you want to talk injuries, the Giants lost many more starters in
key positions than the Eagles. Regardless, Sundays game decides it all
and like it or not, all else means zilch if you lose. So sit back
STFU, and stop annoying people.
Good for the Giants. They have a lot to be proud of. The Eagles played
a first place schedule the last four years and won 3 division titles.
Are people building monuments? No, you play the teams on the schedule.
The Giants won last year's title on a fourth place schedule.
Why are you here? You looked up my posts and did you see any in the
Eagles group. If you think coming here and flaming the team and its'
fans isn't Trolling, then think again! You're a TROLL and are too dumb
to know it! Pathetic.
Will you come back Monday if the Eagles lose. On second thought,
Please don't, either way
You'd get eaten alive in the Eagles NG. I didn't look up your posts,
as you so desperately desire. I clicked a tab that has your posting
history. It just says how many posts and in what groups. The fact that
you seem to be fascinated with circumcision (alt.circumcision, 51 posts
by you) may not be indicative of having a penis infatuation but a spade
is a spade.
2007-01-04 17:24:36 UTC
so are you Double posting to show that you're twice as dumb as we know
you to be? It worked. Try learning how to structure a coherent
statement, you idiot. BTW, there's more to this world than FB, you
mouth breathing stalking Troll.
Sure...there's TV shows like "House"......There's your 65 off topic
posts about circumcision in a TV NG....There's alt.gossip.celebrities,
which seems to satisfy your inner housewife.....then there's
alt.support.anxiety-panic, you were great in that one.....then there
you are in the alt.abortion NG where you censorship shoul dbe banned
(yet you are all for keeping people with opposing views out of the
Giants NG).......alt.fifty-plus.friends (I'm afraid to peek at that
one)....Yeah, you do lead a busy life and have shown us all there is
more to life than FB. And cut penises. And cocaine. And The Sporanos.
2007-01-04 22:13:06 UTC
Heh. You're in for a very rude awakening.
Thats pretty fucking intelligent Kevin. What am I supposed to respond
with "Your pants are on fire" or "I know you are but what am I?" ?
The Eagles own this division. As long as Andy Reid is coaching, and we
don't have half our starters missing large portions of the season ala
2005, the best Clownboy, Deadskin and Giant fans can hope for is wild
card. With all the preseason hype, with all your Tom Coughlins, Brandon
Lloyds, Plaxico Burresses, your Eli's and your Gibbs' and Parcells and
your Terrell Owens' with all your millions spent and years of
experience earned by Hall of Fame coaches, all you can muster is .468.
No one in this division could take the lead from a team that lost its
starting qb in November, that had its defense take a giant shit in the
middle of the season and that had a rebuilt wdie receiver corps and
offensive line. That shows you how far ahead of everyone in this
division the Eagles are.
That 4th place schedule didn't hurt, either. The Giants got the Bears
& Seattle and You got GB & SF. Take off the Rose colored glasses.
I said it at the beginning of the season. It was true then and its true
now. The only hope for any of you chumps is if the Eagles stumble. I
keep hearing about teams beating themselves. Jesus Christ, they beat
themselves so much they're blind and have got wookie hands.
Here's a hint from Andy. Stop worrying about beating yourselves and
start worrying baout beating the other guy.
Have fun getting ready for the draft.
I guess that says it all. What's miffing is, why, with all that great
talent, etc, there are no SB Banners Flying in Philly?
Ah...the old "why no Super Bowl" question. Always used by those whose
intellect is so crippled they can't think of a better argument. The
topic is this season, fucko.
You're the Moron who keeps extolling the virtues of your team and its'
coach, yet when asked why the team hasn't won it all you go to ground
like the weasel you are. I'll answer it for you; Your team has never
been good enough to win a SB, all you other BS, aside!
Fourth place schedule? Are you kidding me? I'm talking about the
division. I'm talking about the Eagles going 5-1.
The Giants played Chi and Seattle and you played GB and SF because of
the schedule.
And if you want to talk injuries, the Giants lost many more starters in
key positions than the Eagles. Regardless, Sundays game decides it all
and like it or not, all else means zilch if you lose. So sit back
STFU, and stop annoying people.
The league came up with that biased system for their division winners.
We know, we had to do it in 2002, 2003,2004,2005 and we'll have to do
it again in 2007. Don't whine about it. Plus, we lost our QB. Find a
more "key position" in this sport.
2007-01-07 03:35:39 UTC
Hey, no hard feelings, I just felt a need to take out the trash.
Admitting you're a liar is a start, even if it took catching you red
handed at it.
At least now everyone here knows you're just a Troll, so don't come off
with that sanctimonious Baloney about how you come to this NG for
dialog, anymore.
BTW, I do like fast cars. Always have. Maybe you can stop by the pits
when I'm running York! It's right down 83.
Just keep stalking to find out when. June will be the very earliest,
Did I just lose my pet monkey? Well....it was fun making you dance.
Thanks for the laughs.
