CHEAP Full-frame 24.5MP Nikon DSLR - Due Date
(too old to reply)
2008-12-31 05:54:45 UTC
Please trim replies, and don't xpost into aus.photo.
Now I know why I had you in my original kill file, your a fucking
tosser and a net Nazi to boot!!
Maybe you need a good blow job to help relieve you of some of your
pent up frustration, what's the matter, didn't you get into the
police force because you failed the psych test, or did your habit of
pulling the wings off flies and then setting them on fire preclude
you from polite society.
Oh and rant away all you like, because your going back into a nice
shiny new bozo bin and I won't have to see it.
Chaplain! I'm shocked, mate! What happened?
BTW: have a great NY!
Oh not much, I'm just owed about $8k by someone who thinks he doesn't
have to pay, and after a phone conversation this afternoon it looks like
the dogs are going to have to be let lose to remind them that work done
at their request is work that has to be paid for :-)
I will have a nice NY thanks :-) and I hope you have a great one yourself, Douchebag.
Many happy returns.
Oh Yeah
2009-01-06 23:32:40 UTC
Your using too many multi-syllabic words for noonsie. Unless he
happens to be sober when he's posting. He is actually capable of
making very good sense..... as well as capable of foaming like a dog.
Fuck off, dickhead.
Fuck off, dickhead.
