What Actually Happens at an Antenna?
(too old to reply)
Henry Wilson DSc
2010-02-13 23:37:02 UTC
...and what articles might those be?
When are you going to say something intelligent?
Well that didn't take long, now did it? I guess your research consists
entirely of demands to be taught by people you loathe.
When are you going to say something intelligent?
If you want the last word in the conversation, ask for it.
All I did was ask for the articles that you were basing your claims on. Now
that we've established they don't exist, there really isn't anything to
When are you going to say something intelligent?

Henry Wilson...

.......provider of free physics lessons
Henry Wilson DSc
2010-02-14 00:06:03 UTC
For you Henri-- It's magic! For student who want to learn in depth, I
suggest Jackson, "Classical Electrodynamics" and Griffiths' "Intro to
Am I the only one getting a massive dose of Schadenfreude by Henri's
constant demands to be taught by people he hates while simultaneously
saying how stupid we are and how he's a provider of 'free physics lessons'
When are you gong to say something intelligent?
Henry Wilson...
.......provider of free physics lessons
Nothing mandates a response from you, Henri. If you don't like what I say,
refute it or just be quiet.
When are you going to say something intelligent?

Henry Wilson...

.......provider of free physics lessons
