Yes, sure!!!!!!!!!
Of course, if we charge the THX Inc. for the conduct of his worker
(during his worktime) for 100 mln USD each and every
(obviously they can pay) we would be VERY rich people!!!!!!!!!
See on alt.morons and sci.physics.relativity for show.
Dr. V. Dvoeglazov
Universidad de Zacatecas
Ap. Postal 636, Suc. UAZ
Zacatecas 98062 Zac.
Dear google group Administration
deffamatory statements on your web-site. He insulted and threaten me in
both personal e-mails and on your web-site. This is obvious breaking
the US Law.
I consulted with my lawers. I officially request you the information
way to solve this problem is in the US Court.
entered in your site, and all his activity information on your site. We
would be very grateful.
Thank you in advance.
Yours Sincerely,
Valeri Dvoeglazov
Rambus' real name is Ian P. Freely. He is a professor at the
University of Scunthorpe.
Dirk Vdm
The true name of the spammer "rambus" is Mr. Adrian Sfarti. He tries
to convince anyone that he is affilaiated with the University of
I rejected several his papers.