Planets and moons losing mass by the tonnes/sec
(too old to reply)
2009-04-15 14:08:01 UTC
For example: Earth surface area = 5.1e14 m2, and its atmosphere
    Helium (He) 5.24 ppmv (0.000524%), He = .1786 kg/m3
Hydrogen (H2) 0.55 ppmv (0.000055%), H2 = .0899 kg/m3
We seem to know more about the perpetual loss/sec of hydrogen and
helium for planets (including a few exoplanets) other than Earth.
At 0.55 ppmv, in order that our atmosphere sustain that average H2
saturation, at any given moment there’s 25e6 kg of hydrogen getting
made available and unavoidably migrating upwards and away from Earth’s
surface in order to create and sustain the average 0.55 ppmv.  The
question is, at what average vertical escapement velocity or
volumetric/sec exit away from Earth?
Is our hydrogen escapement worth merely 25e6 kg per day = 9.125e6
tonnes/yr, or is it as great as 25e6 kg per hour = 219e6 tonnes/year?
Like the GP-B fiasco, at best our EUVE (Extreme Ultra Violet Explorer)
could have been representing a false positive, all be its
observationology given a nifty eye-candy yellow and reddish colorized
UV image of Earth’s surrounding cloud of helium and hydrogen.
However, the solar wind caused planetary exhaust trail of H2 and He is
what needs to be more closely looked at and objectively quantified, as
most easily accomplished from our Selene/moon or from it's L1 that we
still do not have.
The badly failing magnetosphere has been capable of restraining or
mildly sequestering some of Earth's hydrogen and helium by way of
having been protecting our atmosphere, but unfortunately for the past
2000 years this too is going away (most recently at -.05%/year or even
<–120 nT/yr), is perhaps as good of reason why that lofty cloud of
hydrogen and helium isn't sticking around, and why the lethal SAA
contour has been exponentially growing and nearing the surface.  On
the other hand, care to imagine what could happen if such terrestrial
hydrogen and helium didn’t leak away?
Of course our perpetual naysayers and usual evidence excluding
gauntlet of our resident Usenet/newsgroup wizards and brown-nosed
clowns are not paying serious attention, or allowing any context of
consideration as to the worth or consequences of our badly failing
geomagnetic force and of its subsequent magnetosphere.  It’s as though
our best physics and/or objective science doesn’t hardly matter,
unless it’s strictly interpreted in order to sustain their mainstream
status quo.  In other words, for sustaining our mainstream as a viable
cabal of happy campers, apparently our best public funded science is
but worth used toilet paper.
I recall mentioning at least a few thousand times, about our having
the Selene L1 platform of science instruments easily established as of
4 decades ago, including many UV and IR imaging cameras looking at
Earth and equally at our Selene/moon that's losing it's sodium and a
few other elements at an alarming rate.  However, without our having
such a nifty perspective it's simply much harder if not nearly
impossible to interpret whatever's going on.
btw,  the often bogus mindset of "I always had the thoughts that free
hydrogen, and helium were lost in space and that Earth's gravity was
not strong enough to hold it" isn't what I'd gotten out of those
previously posted comments.  In fact, it's pretty much the opposite of
what we’ve typically heard from most others, insisting that supposedly
Earth never loses mass, whereas instead I was the first in this or any
other Usenet/newsgroup to insist that our moon and Earth have each
been losing mass, and implying that the modern day human race has been
artificially assisting in this natural process.
Perhaps this can also explain as to why ETs would bother going to all
the trouble of extracting minerals and raw elements from another
planet or moon, such as our dire need of extracting He3 from our
Selene/moon, or that of whomever is taking substances away from Venus.
~ Brad Guth Brad_Guth Brad.Guth BradGuth BG / “Guth Usenet”
We're still losing considerable mass per year, mostly via helium, and
apparently there's not an honest soul in Usenet/newsgroups (aka Google
Groups) that knows or gives a tinkers damn, just like not caring about
the ongoing demise of our geomagnetic force field.
 ~ BG
What gives?
Is the ongoing loss of planetary mass actually all that dark and
Do I have to restart this and other topics, just so that you folks get
an extra potty break?
 ~ BG
Nobody cares.
Talk to yourself for another 3 months.
Your "alt.morons" mainstream obfuscation and perpetual denial is
noted, as is your pro Zionist Nazi and republican mindset.
So long as its' noted.
This topic should be easy for a smart boy like yourself. Where is all
of our helium going?

~ BG
2009-06-01 01:35:49 UTC
[snip all, unread]
Nobody is listening. STFU.
Tired of seeing this stupid fucking thread endlessly bumped. Get a
blog and rant to it where we don't have to see it. Ever.
Apparently you don't believe in the regular laws of physics or in the
best available science. At least this topic is perfectly honest and
real important, and otherwise the public has a right to know what's
artificially happening to our global environment, and that individuals
like yourself exist.

~ BG
Jeff Findley
2009-06-01 18:27:47 UTC
[snip all, unread]
Nobody is listening. STFU.
Tired of seeing this stupid fucking thread endlessly bumped. Get a
blog and rant to it where we don't have to see it. Ever.
Killfile Brad Guth. Problem solved.

"Take heart amid the deepening gloom
that your dog is finally getting enough cheese" - Deteriorata - National
2009-06-01 18:53:29 UTC
[snip all, unread]
Nobody is listening. STFU.
Tired of seeing this stupid fucking thread endlessly bumped. Get a
blog and rant to it where we don't have to see it. Ever.
Killfile Brad Guth.  Problem solved.
"Take heart amid the deepening gloom
that your dog is finally getting enough cheese" - Deteriorata - National
Our government and it’s vast army of brown-nosed clowns (aka Jeff
Findley and the like) are once again big-time lying to us.

The magnetosphere protects our upper atmosphere, which in turn
protects our frail DNA from cosmic, solar and lunar radiation. The
lower half atmospheric mass of Eden/Earth can be sustained by natural
geological forces and artificial means, that is as long as our core is
alive and getting that extra help from our Selene/moon.

However, the geomagnetic force has a long history of a flip (polar-
reversal) and reset cycle, though each time it gets measurably weaker,
originally worth 10+ VADM (virtual axial dipole moment or +/- cycle),
whereas the most recent flip and subsequent variations got this
magnetic intensity down to a dip of nearly 3. We are currently losing
our polar magnetic force at <0.1%/year, as it shifts and continues to
weaken as an accelerated or compounded rate.

Our Selene/moon is however helping at keeping our geomagnetic force
pumped up, whereas without such a terrific moon, Earth may have become
a larger version of Mars. Our holding onto Selene is worth 2e20 N, or
if you like 55.5e12 kw, and the global flip or reversal cycle is
currently worth roughly 225,000 ~ 250,000 years, although in the past
it has supposedly cycled as often as 100,000 years (for the most part
not related to ice ages and subsequent thaws that are only of a
somewhat recent era).

"The Earth's magnetic north pole is drifting from northern Canada
towards Siberia with a presently accelerating rate — 10 km per year at
the beginning of the 20th century, up to 40 km per year in 2003.[6] It
is also unknown if this drift will continue to accelerate."

"At present, the overall geomagnetic field is becoming weaker at a
rate which would, if it continues, cause the dipole field to
temporarily collapse by 3000–4000 CE. The South Atlantic Anomaly is
believed by some[who?] to be a product of this. The present strong
deterioration corresponds to a 10–15% decline over the last 150 years
and has accelerated in the past several years; however, geomagnetic
intensity has declined almost continuously from a maximum 35% above
the modern value achieved approximately 2000 years ago."

At a VADM dip of 3, we're in serious cosmic and solar radiation
trouble. At a VADM dip of reaching down to the level of 2 could mean
the start of the end of natural genetic survival above the surface,
especially unfortunate at any time when solar halo CMEs are at their
maximum because that’ll obviously extract the most tonnage of our

Each cycle on the way down (a process of losing our geomagnetic polar
force that sustains our protective magnetosphere) we unavoidably lose
more and more of our atmosphere (consequently involving an accelerated
loss of mass). The next magnetic reset or flip may not happen for
quite some time (another couple thousand some odd years), and
meanwhile we continue to lose increasing portions of our upper most
atmosphere that's extensively populated by hydrogen and helium.

Eden/Earth is losing at the very least 10 kg/sec of helium, although a
loss of 100 kg/sec is certainly possible. Since nothing binds with
helium, so therefore all helium is eventually lost, along with a
portion of our terrestrial hydrogen that didn't manage to bind with O2
and O3, as such simply isn’t going to stick with us.

The OCO mission would have indirectly given us this kind of global
science, and thus reasonably quantified as to how much loss in helium
and hydrogen is ongoing. The new and greatly improved Hubble could
also accomplish this task, although the Selene/moon L1 location for
taking such objective measurements of our entire global atmospheric
environment would have been far superior as of four decades ago, at a
cost of not greater than $50M for that era.

~ Brad Guth Brad_Guth Brad.Guth BradGuth BG / “Guth Usenet”

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