D. Peter Maus
2012-03-25 17:32:56 UTC
It took FM nearly 40 years to finally catch on...
Glad you see the parellels!Though some stations were using it as value added for their AM's and a few
were generating profits directly from their FM signals.
There ya go!were generating profits directly from their FM signals.
But that was then. Today, there's nearly zero commercial viability for
something that doesn't present quick and direct profits.
There are many stations leasing their HD streams...and it's (viirtually)something that doesn't present quick and direct profits.
pure profit.
The days of 5 years of losses for a new station are over.
Really?And HD isn't producing the kind of general industry wide profits that's
being claimed by iBiquity's shills.
Who's claiming "iundustry wide profits"?being claimed by iBiquity's shills.
Most people (who are not HD haterz), know that HD streams are simply added
value....and similar to the expenses of having a website.
radio stations have yet to functionally monetize them. Even with
thousands of daily hits.
Listenership on HD radio, at any station produces fewer bodies
than SiriusXM channels of similar format in the same market.
That's not a working business model.