(especially) For Arindam Banerjee....(about Einstein)
(too old to reply)
2010-10-19 00:19:52 UTC
title: "Visionary who warned of bank practices that brought crises"
by Phil Davison
Obituary: Maurice Allais, Economist and physicist, 1911-2010
Arindam, you might like these two paragraphs in the middle of the
Thanks for the attention, dear Art.
"Allais was also a historian and a physicist of renown, notabley for
Allais Effect, which suggested weaknesses in Einstein's theory of
relativity and that Einstein plagiarised research by Hendrik Lorentz,
Dutch physicist, and Frenchman Henri Poincare."
I am not interested in modern crappy theories like relativity and
quantum, dear Straydoggie.
So you didn't notice that Allais did this experiment that "suggested
weakness" in Einstein's theory? I would have thought you would welcome
additional doubters of Einstein!
Aether is displaced by matter.
Aether displaced by matter experts force towards the matter.
Force exerted towards matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity.
During a solar eclipse the Earth, Moon, and Sun align and there is
less force exerted by the Earth's displaced aether on the
'paraconical' pendulum which allows the pendulum to speed up slightly.
This does not show weakness in relativity. What it shows is an
inability to understand what occurs physically in nature to cause
'Ether and the Theory of Relativity - Albert Einstein'
"the state of the [ether] is at every place determined by connections
with the matter and the state of the ether in neighbouring places, ...
disregarding the causes which condition its state."
The state of the aether as determined by its connections with the
matter and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the
aether's state of displacement. The cause which conditions its
state is its displacement by matter.
Oh looks .. another crackpot has joined Arindam.
'Ether and the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein'

"Since according to our present conceptions the elementary particles
of matter are also, in their essence, nothing else than condensations
of the electromagnetic field"

Matter is the condensation of aether.


"If a body gives off the energy L in the form of radiation, its mass
diminishes by L/c2."

The matter which no longer exists as part of the body has not
vanished. It still exists, as aether. As matter converts to aether it
expands in three dimensional space. The physical effects
this transition has on the neighboring aether and matter is
energy. Mass is conserved.

'Hubble Finds Ghostly Ring of Dark Matter'

"Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope got a first-hand view
of how dark matter behaves during a titanic collision between two
galaxy clusters. The wreck created a ripple of dark mater, which is
somewhat similar to a ripple formed in a pond when a rock hits the

The ripple is an aether displacement wave.
The ripple is a gravity wave.

'Ether and the Theory of Relativity - Albert Einstein'

"the state of the [ether] is at every place determined by connections
with the matter and the state of the ether in neighbouring places, ...
disregarding the causes which condition its state."

The state of the aether as determined by its connections with the
matter and the state of the aether in neighboring places is the
aether's state of displacement. The cause which conditions its
state is its displacement by matter.

A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. In
a double slit experiment the particle enters and exits a single slit.
The associated aether displacement wave enters and exits multiple
slits. The aether displacement wave creates interference upon
exiting the slits and the direction the particle travels is altered.
Detecting the particle causes decoherence of the particle and its
associated aether displacement wave and there is no interference.

Aether and matter are different states of the same material.
Aether and matter have mass.
Aether is displaced by matter.
Aether displaced by matter exerts pressure towards matter.
Pressure exerted towards matter by aether displaced by matter is

Gravitation, the 'Dark Matter' Effect and the Fine Structure Constant

"There we see the first arguments that indicate the logical necessity
for quantum behaviour, at both the spatial level and at the matter
level. There space is, at one of the lowest levels, a quantumfoam
system undergoing ongoing classicalisation. That model suggest that
gravity is caused by matter changing the processing rate of the
informational system that manifests as space, and as a consequence
space effectively ‘flows’ towards matter. However this is not a ‘flow’
of some form of ‘matter’ through space, as previously considered in
the aether models or in the ‘random’ particulate Le Sage kinetic
theory of gravity, rather the flow is an ongoing rearrangement of the
quantum-foam patterns that form space, and indeed only have a
geometrical description at a coarse-grained level. Then the ‘flow’ in
one region is relative only to the patterns in nearby regions, and not
relative to some a priori background geometrical space"

What is described as "space effectively ‘flows’ towards matter" is the
pressure exerted towards matter by the aether displaced by the matter.

"Then the ‘flow’ in one region is relative only to the patterns in
nearby regions" is the pressure exerted towards matter by the aether
in nearby regions which is displaced by the matter.

'Frictionless supersolid a step closer'

"Superfluidity and superconductivity cause particles to move without
friction. Koos Gubbels investigated under what conditions such
particles keep moving endlessly without losing energy, like a swimmer
who takes one mighty stroke and then keeps gliding forever along the
swimming pool."

The harder the swimmer pushes off the side of the pool the more aether
the swimmer displaces the more the aether 'displaces
back'. This displacing back is the pressure the aether exerts towards
the swimmer. The pressure exerted by the aether towards the swimmer is
applied equally to the swimmer and the swimmer is able to maintain
their momentum. There is no loss of energy in this interaction.

'On the super-fluid property of the relativistic physical vacuum
medium and the inertial motion of particles'

"Abstract: The similarity between the energy spectra of relativistic
particles and that of quasi-particles in super-conductivity BCS theory
makes us conjecture that the relativistic physical vacuum medium as
the ground state of the background field is a super fluid medium, and
the rest mass of a relativistic particle is like the energy gap of a
quasi-particle. This conjecture is strongly supported by the results
of our following investigation: a particle moving through the vacuum
medium at a speed less than the speed of light in vacuum, though
interacting with the vacuum medium, never feels friction force and
thus undergoes a frictionless and inertial motion."

The faster the particle moves with respect to the aether the
greater the associated aether displacement wave and the greater
the aether 'displaces back' towards the particle. The 'displacing
back' is the pressure exerted by the aether towards the particle. The
pressure exerted towards the particle by the aether is applied equally
to the particle and the particle is able to maintain its momentum.
There is no loss of energy in the interaction of the particle and the

In terms of movement with respect to the aether, the faster
the object moves with respect to the aether the greater the
pressure exerted equally by the displaced aether towards the object.

The speed of light is with respect to the state of the aether and
so are the clocks in which the speed of light is determined. As the
Observers on the train are walking their clocks from M' towards A' and
B' the clock walked towards B' is walked against the 'flow' of aether
and ticks the slowest. The clock walked towards A' is walked
with the 'flow' of aether and ticks the fastest. When all three
clocks are at A', M', and B' they all once again tick at the same rate
because they all exist in the same amount of aether pressure.
When the lightning strikes occur at A/A' and B/B' and arrive at M on
the embankment simultaneously the clock at B' has an earlier time then
the clock at A'. This is why the Observers on the train conclude the
light from the lightning strike occurred at B' prior to the lightning
strike at A' and the Observers on the train conclude the light
traveled at 'c' with respect to the train.

When the light from the lightning strike at B/B' arrives at M' the
light is reflected back towards B'. The clock at M' reads the midpoint
between the time the clock at B' read when the lightning strike
occurred and the time when the reflected light arrives back at B'.
When the light from the lightning strike at A/A' arrives at M' the
light is reflected back towards A'. The clock at M' reads the midpoint
between the time the clock at A' read when the lightning strike
occurred and the time when the reflected light arrives back at A'.
This is why the Observers on the train conclude the light traveled at
'c' from A' and B' to M' and from M' to A' and B'.

The rate at which an atomic clock ticks is determined by the aether
pressure in which it exists. The greater the aether
pressure exerted on and through out an atomic clock the slower the
clock ticks.

In terms of motion, the speed of a GPS satellite with respect to the
aether causes it to displace more aether and for that aether to exert
more pressure on the clock in the GPS satellite than
the aether pressure associated with a clock at rest with respect
to the Earth. This causes the GPS satellite clock to "result in a
delay of about 7 ìs/day". The aether pressure associated with the
aether displaced by the Earth exerts less pressure on the GPS
satellite than a similar clock at rest on the Earth "causing the GPS
clocks to appear faster by about 45 ìs/day". The aether pressure
associated with the speed at which the GPS satellite moves with
respect to the aether and the aether pressure associated
with the aether displaced by the Earth causes "clocks on the GPS
satellites [to] tick approximately 38 ìs/day faster than clocks on the
(quoted text from

The state of the aether is determined by its connections with the
matter which is the Earth. This means the aether is less
connected to the Earth where the airplanes fly in the 'Hafele and
Keating Experiment' than it is to the surface of the Earth. This
causes the aether, where the airplane flies, to have the affect
of 'flowing' east to west with respect to the surface of the Earth.


"Relative to the atomic time scale of the U.S. Naval Observatory, the
flying clocks lost 59+/-10 nanoseconds during the eastward trip and
gained 273+/-7 nanosecond during the westward trip, where the errors
are the corresponding standard deviations."

Flying with the Earth's rotation, eastward, is flying against the
'flow' of aether, relative to the surface of the Earth, causing a
greater aether pressure on the atomic clock causing the atomic
clock to tick slower. Flying against the Earth's rotation, westward,
is flying with the 'flow' of aether, relative to the surface of
the Earth, causing a lower aether pressure on the atomic clock
causing the atomic clock to tick faster.

Everything is with respect to the state of the aether including
the rate at which light is determined to travel at 'c' and the rate at
which atomic clocks tick.
Arindam Banerjee
2010-10-19 07:15:14 UTC
| > A crappy theory that I have proved to be wrong
| Liar.
Ignorant Cunt.
The evidence is against you on all counts.  You have a blockage in your
understanding that you can't see, and you are trying ever so hard to
rationalize so that it remains invisible to you.  On top of that, you
(deliberately) misinterpret what is written by those trying to help correct
your viewpoint, so that you can then disregard what they say.  As I said,
for someone who is as stupid as you so obviously are (like many here),
this is very joyful, and very amusing.
You stupid assholes and bitchkos are beyond all help. If any of you
have the slightest sense of shame, let alone true scientific spirit,
ask me to explain my theories in public in a large auditorium in any
name university instead of your continous bitching here. After that,
I will take questions till all are satisfied. I have done enough
explaining in Usenet for years, with the greatest patience, and I have
no more use for idiots like you, idiot is indeed the kindest word to
use for you actually desperate frauds, thugs and liars.

Now, you no-name turd, fuck off. Cheers to all decent folk,
Arindam Banerjee
