2009-12-30 05:24:05 UTC
Has it occurred to you that more than 100,000 professional physicists
extant plus thousands of physics majors and hundreds of physics grad
students might notice someting was off if a throwback to
knuckle-walking could do it?
It has not occurred to you that 100,000 sheep are no match for one dog,extant plus thousands of physics majors and hundreds of physics grad
students might notice someting was off if a throwback to
knuckle-walking could do it?
knuckle-dragging cretin.
it. We all need a hearty laugh from time to time.
While you are at it, please post you explanation of the duality of
light. It baffled Einstein and it obviously baffles stupid me, so
please post your explanation in words (like Einstein employed) to the
While you're at it, why not post your educational credentials that
justify your slamming some of the best minds that continue to post on
this newsgroup?
Harry C.