2008-03-10 22:21:10 UTC
Godis a spirit. Science, which deals with matter and material things,
is not the appropriate tool to investigate about things in the
spiritual realm. The spiritual realm is clearly in a different
dimension. We had no way to know aboutGodif He had not revealed
Himself. But there is ample historical evidence of His revelation.
There is not a crumb, not a scintilla of empirical evidence indicatingis not the appropriate tool to investigate about things in the
spiritual realm. The spiritual realm is clearly in a different
dimension. We had no way to know aboutGodif He had not revealed
Himself. But there is ample historical evidence of His revelation.
that the immaterial spiritualGodof Judaism, Christianity or Islam
From a purely empirical point of view,Godis a fairy tale. A myth. A
Which is why physics has nothing whatsoever to say aboutGod.
Bob Kolker
extremely talented and educated believe in something that does not
billion people. You have been outvoted.- Hide quoted text -
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does not matter,Godtakes care of them also.
Dirk Vdm- Hide quoted text -
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Natural sons sometimes mistreat their earthly fathers badly.