(too old to reply)
Borked Pseudo Mailed
2008-01-27 13:47:29 UTC
Most of the regulars in the Giants group killfiled him when he was exposed
as a sock puppet-creating bore, and the ones that didn't did when he started
trolling other groups. If you respond to him he gets the attention he
craves. If you post threads with his name in the subject, he probably wets
himself with excitement. So do us all a favor and ignore him. Thanks in
Yo, Mr Rocket Science...
George is the generic name given to a remailer, not a real person. There are thousands of posts every day with that name attached so he turns up on many newsgroups. Evidently you don't realize using your real name on the internet is about the dumbest thing you could ever do. There are still those that don't understand but usually, these are the terminally stupid or grossly ignorant who will tell you everything bad about remailers except that they are used by smart people who don't want to hold their doors open and invite the world in to rob, rape and pillage their home, so to speak. Hopefully, I didn't use too many big words for ya. LOLOLOL.
PS, on the anonymous thing....everyone is anonymous unless you use your real name and personal address. You may be stupid enough to but others, who use idiotic screen names (like the moron vindowsxp or whatever the dickhead coward uses) are just as anonymous on the surface, albeit their addresses and posting ips can easily be traced.
2008-01-27 18:04:33 UTC
Most of the regulars in the Giants group killfiled him when he was exposed
as a sock puppet-creating bore, and the ones that didn't did when he
trolling other groups. If you respond to him he gets the attention he
craves. If you post threads with his name in the subject, he probably
himself with excitement. So do us all a favor and ignore him. Thanks in
I have his real name and a old address. It's not the one he's been using
over the web. Thats actually his old boss who has a restraining order
him. Apparently trying to get even or something. he goes
from group to group doing this. Also chat rooms and message
boards under different names.Mostly gay rooms. He uses his old bosses
info and tells guys he wants to hook up.
I had and argument with him back in august
and a couple days later my widows were smashed and tires cut on my car.
I doubt it was a coincidence. I spoke with his ex boss who I initially
was him and he told me he got threats and showed me all kinds of shit.
And also had a broken window and slashed tires. My wife wants to move.
I know hes still around the hudson valley because he normally has a hudson
road runner ip.
I know all kinds of shit about him including a warrant but it's not worth
