Bill Ayers: Try Obama for War Crimes
(too old to reply)
Joe Cooper
2013-06-21 06:26:39 UTC
"Every president in this century should be tried for war crimes."
Isn't it great watching them eat their own?
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Barack Obama swept up an entire nation in 2008 with his hope-and-change
promises of a new honesty and transparency. That dream is now in shambles,
destroyed by the most untruthful cast since Richard Nixon, H.R. Haldeman,
Ron Ziegler and John Dean left Washington in disgrace almost 40 years ago
-- after likewise subverting the very government they had pledged to serve.
(Victor Davis Hanson)
2013-06-21 11:03:47 UTC
"Obama's BenghaziGate Coverup Impeachment Scandal" <Barack Milhous Nixon
Bill Ayers: Try Obama for War Crimes
Isn't it great when they start eating their own?
If you spent thirty seconds watching the video instead of shooting your
"Every president in this century should be tried for war crimes."
And that coming from a real terrorist himself.

You just can't make that up either ! Amazing friends our prez has...