Wow, that is sooooofucking interesting. Gee, thanksola, do you
have anything Einstinean? Maybe some sexy C# code? Anything, I
can't keep my eyes of this really fucking great shite.
It's ok. We know that you use a windoze client. slrn and
mixmaster are linux programs.
slrn isn't a "linux program"
No, it's actually a unix/linux program. And while it's probably
been compiled to run on OS/2 as well, we don't believe that it ihas
been compiled for dos or windoze, which is the real point.
Sorry dummy, but what your tiny little mind "believes" is irrelevant.
Debian packages, an RPM search, IRIX, AmigaOS, OS/X, FreeBSD, NetBSD,
BeOS, GNU/Linux source, and yes... Windows. *snicker*
That's just the "official" list. The client exists for a considerably
wider range of platforms if you're not to lazy to look, or stupid to
find them.
and I doubt that mixmaster is one.
Your ignorance is astounding in depth. Truly spectacular.
I won't even bother spanking you by pointing out that on the download
page there exists .zip files for Windoze users.
Oh wait, I just did. *laugh*
While the Linux crowd might be
rather self-absorbed at times, they generally aren't that clueless
that they write "linux programs".
Is the mixmaster program available for windoze? If so, we stand
corrected. But the mixmaster program is another written by and for
unix/linux hackers, and like slrn, runs on many, many more linux
installations than unix installations.
Yes... *TRULY* spectacular ignorance.
Fact of the matter is mixmaster runs on many, many more Windoze
installations than it does on all *nix platforms combined. I'd wager
Windoze users outnumber *nix users by at the very least the same margin
Windoze installations outnumber *nix installations, and probably more.
So we think that speaking of these programs as "linux programs"
serves the context of the discussion adequately.
Ironic as it is, the conclusions your "thoughts" have lead you to serve
no actual purpose in *any* context beyond spotlighting just what a
bumbling moron you really are.
Good reply. Thought "***" 's fellow kooks and morons would