2009-05-15 10:54:53 UTC
5. Marty sees the lightning strikes at different times. To you,
the track observer, the reason is perfectly obvious. Although
he was equidistant from the two strikes when they occurred,
his forward motion causes him to meet with the forward pulse
==============================================the track observer, the reason is perfectly obvious. Although
he was equidistant from the two strikes when they occurred,
his forward motion causes him to meet with the forward pulse
So the speeds of light for Marty are c+v and v-c, consistent with blue
and red shift.
The times the light reaches Marty are t1 and t2.
The distances the light travels are d1 = (v-c)t1 and d2 = (c+v)t2.
If Marty travels at v = c then the light from behind never reaches him.
You have no brain to shut off.
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You are a fuckwit.
Indeed, c+kv and c-kv has never been observed, with k as small
as 2e-9. There is no evidence, experimental or observational, for
any additivity effects of c with source velocity.
DeSitter, Physik. Zeitschr. 14, 429, (1913)
DeSitter, Physik. Zeitschr. 14, 1267, (1913)
Brecher, Phys. Rev. Lett. 39 1051–1054, 1236(E) (1977).
Heckmann, Ann. d. Astrophys. 23 (1960), pg 410.
Observations of Supernovae - from Roberts' web site:
"A supernova explosion sends debris out in all directions with
speeds of 10,000 km/s or more (known from Doppler broadening of
spectral lines). If the speed of light depended on the source
velocity, its arrival at Earth would be spread out in time due to
the spread of source velocities. Such a time spread is not
observed, and observations of distant supernovae give k < 5×10^-9.
These observations could be subject to criticism due to Optical
Extinction, but some observations are for supernovas considerably
closer than the extinction length of the X-ray wavelengths used."
Alvaeger et al., Physics Letters 12, 260 (1964).
Sadeh, Phys. Rev. Lett. 10 no. 7 (1963), pg 271.
Babcock and Bergmann, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. Vol. 54, pg 147 (1964).
Filipas and Fox, Phys. Rev. 135 no. 4B (1964), pg B1071.
Beckmann and Mandics, Radio Science, 69D, no. 4, pg 623 (1965).
Operation of FLASH http://vuv-fel.desy.de/
For a simplified explanation as to why FLASH disproves BaTh,
see my post: