Eradication of Islam...
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•R. L. Measures
2007-12-23 19:35:19 UTC
The radical Muslim is the brain dead
goon who wants to cut your head off in front of the camera.
• I meet plenty of Mormonites, JWs and Catholics who do not do their own
thinking in religious matters.
Which changes nothing to the fact that islam has to be deakt with.
• agreed. Perhaps organized religion will become one of the seven
plagues John spoke of ?
R.L. Measures. 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
The Pragmatist
2007-12-28 06:09:55 UTC
We will awake one day, mark my words, and it will be much like 9/11.
Except this time, the genocidal Muslims will have exploded a
radiological device in a western city--most likely, a large European one...

Slowly, the general population (which is NOT suicidal), will realize
that Islam IS the enemy...this has NOTHING to do with a few "rotten
apples." The VAST majority of Muslims provide the support to buoy
terrorism throughout the world. Islamic barbarity is now a world-wide

The western response, if sensible will be: clear Mecca of its population
and bomb it to ashes...this will be the opening volley to the

What, you say?? They will hate us? We will be creating more terrorists?
But lad, they already hate you and they have been at war with you for
decades while you were sleeping, thinking they were like other
religions. This is not a religion, but a true death cult intent on
achieving power through atrocity and attrition of western morale.

In they end, they will be reduced to ashes because......the west is
pragmatic in the end and will cut off that part of humanity that is
bleeding it. For a start, Islam should be OUTLAWED as a violent,
totalitarian ideology in western societies.
The radical Muslim is the brain dead
goon who wants to cut your head off in front of the camera.
• I meet plenty of Mormonites, JWs and Catholics who do not do their own
thinking in religious matters.
Which changes nothing to the fact that islam has to be deakt with