The difference between local weather and global climate last boreal winter explained carefully *again* to a climate denier.
(too old to reply)
2011-06-01 14:19:59 UTC
Done. Anything else I can snip for you, fuckwit?
You can snip pretty paper doylies, should you wish, foul-mouth. It
won't change the fact that you nutters always come out with this crap,
never learn, then spout the same crap again a while later when it gets
cold somewhere else.

Remember my stats.

Weather posts by deniers >250. Weather posts by alarmists 13 (12 by
the same person). All in a 6-month period. My keeping count has had an
excellent effect. Deniers on here are now less likely to do this kind
of thing (it now happens on a weekly, rather than a daily basis) and
alarmists haven't done this once in the last 5 months. Unfortunately,
there are some of your compadres that will never learn. You watch.

2011-06-01 16:39:17 UTC
Anything else I can snip for you, Farquar?
Yes, troll, you can go back and flush the entire "Hanson V Einstein"
diatribe, which you quoted in full, on the other thread.
