2007-11-21 17:31:55 UTC
no, probably not.
Dirk Vdm
Iow, you are unable to find such formula.I am wondering if it can be derived from SR.
Can somebody help? Thanks!
Nobody has ever been able to help you in the past, soCan somebody help? Thanks!
no, probably not.
Dirk Vdm
All you can do is parroting SR textbooks.
Hopefully, true SR experts will be eager to
meet this challenge!
Dirk Vdm
the limits of SR.
Anyhow, I think that the theoretical problem I posed
can be resolved by a mathematician well versed in SR, which is clearly
not your case.
Marcel Luttgens
by choosing alt.troll and alt.local.village.idiot,
the NGs where you belong.
I am not interested in trolling, but only in the testing of
the limits of SR.
Anyhow, I think that the theoretical problem I posed can be
resolved by a mathematician well versed in SR, which is clearly
not your case.
Marcel Luttgens- Hide quoted text -
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rest frame, the
velocity at time T, with respect to the initial rest frame, will be
V= aT'
SQRT( 1 + ((aT'/c)^2))
the body's time, T' = c/a ln (aT/c + SQRT(1 +aaTT/cc).
An equivalent formula, easier to work with on the calculator on your
computer, is
T= sinh aT' , X = cosh aT'
where a is the acceleration in light years/year,
T is earth time, and X-1 is distance traveled from earth's
sinh is the hyperbolic sine, cosh is the hyperbolic cosine.
0.97g is about 1 light year/year, so letting a rocket accelerate at 1
light year/year for 1 "rocket year,
T= sinh 1 = 1.175 earth years.
The rocket will have traveled cosh(1) -1 = 1.54-1 =0.54 light years.
And its velocity will be 0.707 light speed.
A. McIntire- Hide quoted text -
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velocity at time T, with respect to the initial rest frame, will be
V= aT_____________
SQRT( 1 + ((aT/c)^2))
let v be the velocity in frame S, let v' be the velocity in frame S',
which is moving at velocity V with respect to frame S.
using the addtion of velocities rule, v= (v' + V)/(1+(v'V/c*c))
t= (t'
then dv= dv'(1-(VV/cc))/((1+(v'V/cc))^2)
dv/dt= (dv'/dt')((1- (VV/cc))^3)/((1+(Vv'/cc)) where dv'/dt' is
the acceleration in S'.
Let S' be the instantaneous co-moving system of point P, then v'=0,
If dv'/dt'=a, then dv/dt=a((1-(VV/cc)^3).
let v=0 when t=0.
then (dv/((1-(V^2/c^2))^3))=adt
integrate both sides and get
v/SQRT(1-(V^2/c^2)) =at
which can be rearranged to give v=dx/dt=at/SQRT(1 +(aatt/cc)), Q.E.D
A rocket has an initial velocity v = 0.95056 c.
What would be its velocity after a trip of
1 ly, during which it is subject to a constant
deceleration of 9.81 m/s^2 ?
Note that in this problem, the acceleration
is negative.
Here is a clue: the residual valocity = 0.8894 c
to solve the following problem"
I told you that you were trolling.
It turns that you weren't even aware of it.
You were even lying.
If you wouldn't be so stupid, it could make you think.
A stupid liar... an essentially harmless combination.
Dirk Vdm
Marcel Luttgens