Użytkownik "Wizard" napisał w wiadomości grup
|Wild assertions aren't valid arguments
There is no valid arguments for a fanatic.
|You make no valid arguments. You're a crackpot
There is no valid arguments for You. You're a fanatic.
|LET is pretty much dead as a theory due to its
|limitation and inability / difficulty in being generalised
Still there is a small difference of predictions,
|Nope. LET predicts exactly the same things will be measured / observed
|/ seen / experienced as SR
Oh, yes, poor idiot.
make LET better decribing reality.
|Nope. LET predicts exactly the same things will be measured / observed
|/ seen / experienced as SR
Oh, yes, poor idiot.
See, in LET there
is no time dilation,but just a clock error, right?
|Nope. LET predicts exactly the same things will be measured / observed
|/ seen / experienced as SR
Oh, yes, poor idiot.
So, LET predicts, that clocks will be corrected as
possible, to indicate t'=t.
|Nope. LET predicts exactly the same things will be measured / observed
|/ seen / experienced as SR
Oh, yes, poor idiot.
SR doesn't.
|Nope. LET predicts exactly the same things will be measured / observed
|/ seen / experienced as SR
Oh, yes, poor idiot. BTW, You've just denied Yourself. Even
an idiot fanatic should sometimes be cautions about things he's
|You're a moron. Why do you bother posting on subjects about which you
|are so ignorant. Do you enjoy looking like a fool ?
No, but I enjoy seeing an idiot relativist postting on subjects which he
is so ignorant, out of arguments he never had, shouting insults as
a moron he is.