2011-03-03 22:36:27 UTC
With the next S-I results about to be posted, a word on critiquing the
photos submitted. "They're all crap" is not a critique.
Oh, so the truth is not part of a critique anymore. Of submitted. "They're all crap" is not a critique.
Let me see: only comments from the annointed ones are allowed and they
have to be positive otherwise they are trolls. Right?
So, good luck with your submission. I'm sure the rest of the readers
of the newsgroup will be as kind to you as you have been to them in
the past.
Oh boy!...of the newsgroup will be as kind to you as you have been to them in
the past.
saying my image is great, if indeed it is a POS. I tend to do a lot of
experimental work, though the images I submitted this month are pretty
much straight shots. Having said that I would hope that comments on my
images would be helpful, which we all know <> "kind." My main interest
is to improve my work. So, Noonsie, please be truthful. If you don't
like my image, give me the courtesy of saying why. And most importantly,
what you would have done to improve my image.
BTW I don't like to speak for others, but I suspect Tony Cooper feels
the same as I, on this subject.