When mankind dies
(too old to reply)
2009-07-11 00:54:18 UTC
I guess, at least, you have faith tomorrow will come, boy.
I'll see your "faith" and raise you 4.5 billion years worth of
"tomorrows" having come, with some 4.5 billion years worth more on
It's not "faith," idiot.
Frank, you surely do seem to have a lot of "faith" that your
assessments of these matters is valid.
Nope. No "faith" necessary. They aren't just _my_ assessments.
Can you provide us with any objective proof?
Um, try reading any geology textbook? Oh, and it's not "proof," it's
"evidence," which simply doesn't exist for the nonsense the religious
would have us all believe.
Why is your "faith" in your "beliefs" valid while "faith" in any
"beliefs" invalid? Just curious...
I don't have "faith in beliefs." I have confidence in observed facts.
You're also trying to put words in my mouth: I didn't say that his
"faith" is invalid, I pointed out that it doesn't take "faith" to have
high confidence that tomorrow will, indeed, come.
Actually, I reread your idiotic post and should point out your
response was moronic. There IS faith there and you just aren't
aware enough to realize it.
Awww, did I upset your delicate little worldview?
Too bad.
I am saying you have faith in your own judgement and
don't realize that is faith too.
Spirit of Truth- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Faith in my own judgement has come after over 6 decades of honing the
skills required to make good judgements, of suceeding and failing,
trial and error, collecting information and evidence needed to make
informed decisions.   It didn't come from praying to a magical sky-
pixie, nor more than I relied on a magical 8-ball for those
And now you are NEVER wrong.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Never? No, I am still occasionally wrong, however I find that I am no
more or less wrong than Christians my same age. From my
observations, "God" is no more or less wrong than one would find in
random chance.
2009-07-11 02:05:34 UTC
I guess, at least, you have faith tomorrow will come, boy.
I'll see your "faith" and raise you 4.5 billion years worth of
"tomorrows" having come, with some 4.5 billion years worth more on
It's not "faith," idiot.
Frank, you surely do seem to have a lot of "faith" that your
assessments of these matters is valid.
Nope. No "faith" necessary. They aren't just _my_ assessments.
Can you provide us with any objective proof?
Um, try reading any geology textbook? Oh, and it's not "proof," it's
"evidence," which simply doesn't exist for the nonsense the religious
would have us all believe.
Why is your "faith" in your "beliefs" valid while "faith" in any
"beliefs" invalid? Just curious...
I don't have "faith in beliefs." I have confidence in observed facts.
You're also trying to put words in my mouth: I didn't say that his
"faith" is invalid, I pointed out that it doesn't take "faith" to have
high confidence that tomorrow will, indeed, come.
Actually, I reread your idiotic post and should point out your
response was moronic. There IS faith there and you just aren't
aware enough to realize it.
Awww, did I upset your delicate little worldview?
Too bad.
I am saying you have faith in your own judgement and
don't realize that is faith too.
Spirit of Truth- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Faith in my own judgement has come after over 6 decades of honing the
skills required to make good judgements, of suceeding and failing,
trial and error, collecting information and evidence needed to make
informed decisions.   It didn't come from praying to a magical sky-
pixie, nor more than I relied on a magical 8-ball for those
And now you are NEVER wrong.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I wouldn't say never, however I am no more or less wrong than any
devout Christian my own age. In my experience, the instances of
"God" being right or wrong is the same, on average, than one would
expect from random chance. As far as I can tell, believers have no
relative advantage over non-believers.
2009-07-11 02:06:15 UTC
Can you prove
You really just don't get it, do you. It's not _proof_. It's
_evidence_. Show me the evidence that you god exists. Any evidence at
all outside of your holy book and your imagination.
In olden times there was an abundance of "evidence" to support the
contention that the earth was flat,
Wrong. There was an assumption, based on nothing more than the
appearance from a human viewpoint. The first time it was actually
_measured_, though, the "flat earth" idea was dropped. It was measured,
by the way, by the Greeks, who in fact were able to accurately estimate
the size of the Earth from their measurement. So even in "olden times"
it was known that the Earth was a sphere.
I've deleted all the rest of your fallacious bullshit because it's not
worth responding to. You're an ignorant idiot, nothing more.
Let me point out to you that Newton has the Earth moving in it's own
Realivity says in it's own frame it doesn't move, the Sun and universe
goes around it!
Point? You are an idiot.
Butchering Einstein's theory doesn't earn any points.   Relativity
actually states that the universe moves around any fixed point,
relative to that point, not the Sun or any single object.
Do not reply to this generic message, it was automatically generated;
you have been kill-filed,
LOL! Another coward for Jebus.
2009-07-11 02:47:53 UTC
I guess, at least, you have faith tomorrow will come, boy.
I'll see your "faith" and raise you 4.5 billion years worth of
"tomorrows" having come, with some 4.5 billion years worth more on
It's not "faith," idiot.
Frank, you surely do seem to have a lot of "faith" that your
assessments of these matters is valid.
Nope. No "faith" necessary. They aren't just _my_ assessments.
Can you provide us with any objective proof?
Um, try reading any geology textbook? Oh, and it's not "proof," it's
"evidence," which simply doesn't exist for the nonsense the religious
would have us all believe.
Why is your "faith" in your "beliefs" valid while "faith" in any
"beliefs" invalid? Just curious...
I don't have "faith in beliefs." I have confidence in observed facts.
You're also trying to put words in my mouth: I didn't say that his
"faith" is invalid, I pointed out that it doesn't take "faith" to have
high confidence that tomorrow will, indeed, come.
Actually, I reread your idiotic post and should point out your
response was moronic. There IS faith there and you just aren't
aware enough to realize it.
Awww, did I upset your delicate little worldview?
Too bad.
I am saying you have faith in your own judgement and
don't realize that is faith too.
Spirit of Truth- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Faith in my own judgement has come after over 6 decades of honing the
skills required to make good judgements, of suceeding and failing,
trial and error, collecting information and evidence needed to make
informed decisions.   It didn't come from praying to a magical sky-
pixie, nor more than I relied on a magical 8-ball for those
And now you are NEVER wrong.- Hide quoted text -
I wouldn't say never, however I am no more or less wrong than any
devout Christian my own age. In my experience, the instances of
"God" being right or wrong is the same, on average, than one would
expect from random chance. As far as I can tell, believers have no
relative advantage in the department of being right or wrong over non-
2009-07-11 03:06:38 UTC
Can you prove
You really just don't get it, do you. It's not _proof_. It's
_evidence_. Show me the evidence that you god exists. Any evidence at
all outside of your holy book and your imagination.
In olden times there was an abundance of "evidence" to support the
contention that the earth was flat,
Wrong. There was an assumption, based on nothing more than the
appearance from a human viewpoint. The first time it was actually
_measured_, though, the "flat earth" idea was dropped. It was measured,
by the way, by the Greeks, who in fact were able to accurately estimate
the size of the Earth from their measurement. So even in "olden times"
it was known that the Earth was a sphere.
I've deleted all the rest of your fallacious bullshit because it's not
worth responding to. You're an ignorant idiot, nothing more.
Let me point out to you that Newton has the Earth moving in it's own
Realivity says in it's own frame it doesn't move, the Sun and universe
goes around it!
Point? You are an idiot.
Butchering Einstein's theory doesn't earn any points.   Relativity
actually states that the universe moves around any fixed point,
relative to that point, not the Sun or any single object.
Do not reply to this generic message, it was automatically generated;
you have been kill-filed,
LOL! Another coward for Jebus...
John Baker
2009-07-11 09:44:28 UTC
On Sat, 11 Jul 2009 00:20:23 +0100, "Androcles"
Can you prove
You really just don't get it, do you. It's not _proof_. It's
_evidence_. Show me the evidence that you god exists. Any evidence at
all outside of your holy book and your imagination.
In olden times there was an abundance of "evidence" to support the
contention that the earth was flat,
Wrong. There was an assumption, based on nothing more than the
appearance from a human viewpoint. The first time it was actually
_measured_, though, the "flat earth" idea was dropped. It was measured,
by the way, by the Greeks, who in fact were able to accurately estimate
the size of the Earth from their measurement. So even in "olden times"
it was known that the Earth was a sphere.
I've deleted all the rest of your fallacious bullshit because it's not
worth responding to. You're an ignorant idiot, nothing more.
Let me point out to you that Newton has the Earth moving in it's own
Realivity says in it's own frame it doesn't move, the Sun and universe
goes around it!
Point? You are an idiot.
Butchering Einstein's theory doesn't earn any points. Relativity
actually states that the universe moves around any fixed point,
relative to that point, not the Sun or any single object.
Do not reply to this generic message, it was automatically generated;
you have been kill-filed, either for being boringly stupid,
In that case, why haven't you killfiled yourself?
