2010-03-01 19:45:00 UTC
Many? Like the failed Zune HD with HD Radio - LOL!
Who says it's failed! It's still selling!selling product. No doubt someone will chime in "but the iPod Touch is
in the top 10." But almost no consumer electronic product in history has
sold as well as the iPod.
The problem with the Zune is that it's really just a music player, even
though it has the potential to be more. It doesn't have the eco-system
of applications of the iPod Touch.
The HD/FM tuner on the Zune is a nice touch, but you can get the same
functionality with the Gigaware add-on tuner for the iPod touch, and
it's gotten pretty good reviews, i.e. "The way I tested it was through
my aux jack on my camry from the headphone port of this device. At first
it sounded like a normal FM radio which sucks then the HD kicked in and
sounded like 5.1 surround coming out of my Camry."