When are Astrophysicists Going to Realise That Einstein was Wrong?
(too old to reply)
Henry Wilson, DSc
2009-08-04 10:47:35 UTC
On Mon, 3 Aug 2009 00:36:39 +0100, "Androcles"
Have you calculated the difference c+v would make?
Of course I have.
What is the square of (1 - 0.0000000000001) ?
You failed to answer my question, Wilson. You go first, then I'll answer
OK you've make a mistake. Don't try to wriggl out by changing the subject.
What on Jupiter does Earth's diameter have to do with anything?
(Follow-up set to the appropriate newgroup).
Simple. If you don't know the Earth's diameter accurately, you cannot determine
Jupiter's distance using daily parallax.

Henry Wilson...www.users.bigpond.com/hewn/index.htm

........the broad picture specialist.
Henry Wilson, DSc
2009-08-05 21:23:34 UTC
Romer's big problem was that he didn't have an accurate figure for the
diameter. In fact, he was way out.... so nothing he discovered can be
The diameter of the earth, accurate or not, was not used by Romer
to calculate the speed of light. The reason he didn't use it is
because it is entirely irrelevant to the calculation of the speed of
light. You have no idea how the calculation was performed. I bet you
can't even explain how the diameter of the earth could possibly change
the amount of delay between the observation of Io and the predicted
appearance assuming instantaneous transmission. In fact, your
statement is a misdirection. Therefore, none of your conjectures can
be taken seriously.
Romer's calculation was very inaccurate because it required a precise
for the Earth's orbit diameter.
Let's see now...
The Earth moves through 360 degrees in 365 days. That's about a degree
a day. (It's even why degrees were invented to a nice round number.)
At 93,000,000 miles from the sun, the circumference of the orbit is
2 pi * 93 million = 584 million miles a year.
The Earth moves through 1.6 million miles a day and Roemer was inaccurate
in the speed of light calculation by 20% because he didn't know 8 thousand
miles was 0.5% of 1.6 million.
Are you sure you are qualified to sell VW campers, Wilson?
Or don't they have revenue collectors in Oz?
You sure aren't qualified to calculate percentages.
Darwin123 is right, you are an idiot.
Neither you nor Darwin seems to be making much sense.

Roemer's method was quite sound and if the true distance values are used,
provides a pretty accurate value of c. He effectively used Io's eclipse as a
remote clock.

The experiment required a very accurate knowledge of both the Earth's and
Jupiter's orbits. I gather it also required that the orbit of Io was circular.

What it DID NOT take into account was the fact that the moon was moving
slightly away from Earth before eclipse and towards earth as it emerged. These
deviations were small but enough to cause measurable c+v effects.
Nor did it take into account the relative speed of Jupiter wrt Earth at
different points on their two orbits.
If both of these factors are considered, this experiment should be capable of
illustrating the ballistic nature of light.....

Henry Wilson...www.users.bigpond.com/hewn/index.htm

........the broad picture specialist.
