Automount CIFS at boot time?
(too old to reply)
Cork Soaker
2008-12-03 20:50:46 UTC
I have a NAS device providing CIFS access. When I reboot my
Kubuntu 8.04.1 desktop system this mount does not happend even
though the mount is in my /etc/fstab file with credentials and
other options specified.
Once I realize that this is not mounted I perform a "sudo mount -a"
and its
mounted. What must I do to have this happen automagically?
Can you post the relevant line from your fstab?
# CIFS link to NAS9 Device
// /NAS9 cifs
ile_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0
I have another line to mount another CIFS from a different system and
it works just fine. The NAS9 device is a 24x7 device.
Try smbfs.
What kind of lame ass answer is that boy?
A one you wouldn't understand, you thick cunt.
I'll help you:

I know, this is all new to you, but do try and grasp something as very
simple as smbfs.
Cork Soaker
2008-12-03 20:52:36 UTC
I have a NAS device providing CIFS access. When I reboot my Kubuntu
8.04.1 desktop system this mount does not happend even though the mount
is in my /etc/fstab file with credentials and other options specified.
Once I realize that this is not mounted I perform a "sudo mount -a" and
mounted. What must I do to have this happen automagically?
Can you post the relevant line from your fstab?
# CIFS link to NAS9 Device
// /NAS9 cifs
0 0
I have another line to mount another CIFS from a different system and it
works just fine. The NAS9 device is a 24x7 device.
A couple of thoughts... The first being to try smbfs instead of cifs
(you may need to install smbfs). The NAS that I am using will not
work with cifs, but mounts fine with smbfs.
Also, try adding auto to the list of options.
Otherwise, I see nothing there that shouldn't work.
I changed to smbfs and added auto to the options and voila! it worked!
Thank you all for the suggestions. I naively thought cifs == smbfs. Go
Holy shit anti_intelligence - look at that!!

You really need to learn what "Ubuntu" and "Linux" is before you try and
troll an UBUNTU LINUX newsgroup.

Silly bitch, wasn't hugged enough!

Continue reading on narkive:
Search results for 'Automount CIFS at boot time?' (Questions and Answers)
Automount a CIFS share on Linux Mint?
started 2013-12-03 11:01:31 UTC
computer networking