Cork Soaker
2008-12-03 20:50:46 UTC
I have a NAS device providing CIFS access. When I reboot my
Kubuntu 8.04.1 desktop system this mount does not happend even
though the mount is in my /etc/fstab file with credentials and
other options specified.
Once I realize that this is not mounted I perform a "sudo mount -a"
and its
mounted. What must I do to have this happen automagically?
Can you post the relevant line from your fstab?I have a NAS device providing CIFS access. When I reboot my
Kubuntu 8.04.1 desktop system this mount does not happend even
though the mount is in my /etc/fstab file with credentials and
other options specified.
Once I realize that this is not mounted I perform a "sudo mount -a"
and its
mounted. What must I do to have this happen automagically?
// /NAS9 cifs
ile_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0
I have another line to mount another CIFS from a different system and
it works just fine. The NAS9 device is a 24x7 device.
I'll help you:§ion=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=smbfs
I know, this is all new to you, but do try and grasp something as very
simple as smbfs.