tensor help
(too old to reply)
2007-06-02 22:45:05 UTC
It is a rank 0 tensor in classical thermodynamics. It is not a rank 0
tensor in relativistic thermodynamics.
What Bullshit. Lame Brain Eric Gisse, his brain is relatistivistic.
As there is both an invariant and relativistic mass likewise for
temperature, all else the idiot says above is pure garbage to hide his
stupidity and crap.
BORING. Relativistic thermodynamics was amusing for about a half hour,
then I moved on.
He is a Liar or a dense brain who claimed it wasn't a Lorentz scalar,
now he back tracksand stipulatesit agrees with classical
thermodynamics = impossible lest it also be a Lorentz scalar.

Eric Gisse is trying to hide his error by STRESSING the relativistic
effects on thermodynamics,

EXACT SAME: as a dense brain trying to deny Lorentz invariant scalar
by stressing Mass can also be relativisic....what stupidity.
2007-06-03 18:36:41 UTC
It is a rank 0 tensor in classical thermodynamics. It is not a rank 0
tensor in relativistic thermodynamics.
What Bullshit. Lame Brain Eric Gisse, his brain is relatistivistic.
As there is both an invariant and relativistic mass likewise for
temperature, all else the idiot says above is pure garbage to hide his
stupidity and crap.
BORING. Relativistic thermodynamics was amusing for about a half hour,
then I moved on.
Liar or a dense brain claimed it wasn't a Lorentz scalar,
now backtracks and stipulates it agrees with classical
No stooopid, I stipulate that relativistic thermodynamics has to agree
Stupid Liar Eric Gisse said it WAS NOT A LORENTZ SCALAR
Gisse's words, quote: "The fact that temperature is not a Lorentz
scalar follows from a quite
simple set of arguments. "
No argument he is STUPID. Lying child said it cannot be a rank 0
tensor because it was not a Lorentz scalar.
Congratulations, you have been paying attention.
What a stupid idiot.

Lame brain get this through your thick skull, it is a LORENTZ SCALAR.
Eric Gisse
2007-06-04 04:33:18 UTC
Snip his stupid replies
Eric Gisse is an imbecile who refuses to believe what others have
repeatedly told him, Temperature is a Lorentz Scalar and therefore a
Rank 0 tensor.
Write down the definition of a Lorentz scalar.
Therefore his replies on Tensors will be lame brain garbage from a Kid
in Alaska.