2010-12-02 22:32:55 UTC
On Wed, 1 Dec 2010 03:53:36 -0800 (PST), harald
people here, I cannot make you understand it. Maybe one day you'll
start thinking, and then understand the answers.
What do you actually mean when you claim that the period of an
oscillator contains less time at the top of a mountain?
And when would that be?On Sat, 27 Nov 2010 02:38:53 -0800 (PST), harald
While I understand it perfectly well. :)
Why can't you answer any of my questions?
I answered your questions; however that is not enough! Like mostBut I bet that you don't have a clue what he meant with
I'll bet he didn't either.that.
people here, I cannot make you understand it. Maybe one day you'll
start thinking, and then understand the answers.
oscillator contains less time at the top of a mountain?
Why does the counter at the top of the mountain register more ticks
bottom one?
possibly earnestly wants, but in response to which he will tell you
"utter crap".
Why would the counter at the top of the mountain register more ticks
bottom one, you stupid fucked-up duck with the utter crap response?
The answer to time dilation is "no", is it, you stupid fucked-up duck with
the utterly ridiculous response?
Why would the counter at the top of the mountain register more ticks than
the bottom one, you stupid fucked-up duck?
Well, since you replied so stupidly, you stupid fucked-up deranged duck
with the utterly ridiculous response, the answer to time dilation is "there
is none".
to claim something else was said, even though what was said is right
there on the record for anyone to look at. Neither you nor Ralph could
scrape up a teaspoon of personal dignity between you.
"Requests for *proof* will be routinely ignored in science because theories
are not proven in science."-- Mallard.
are not proven in science."-- Mallard.