There is no Benghazi story....just a huge flow of Republican bullshit
(too old to reply)
Tom Gardner
2013-05-16 14:17:36 UTC
An educated guess that's wrong is telling people that US diplomats were
killed by Brand X terrorists when they were really killed by Brand Y
terrorists then correcting yourself three days later.
The leftholes never said the word "terrorist" for two weeks. After all,
terrorism was conquered by Obammy before the election. It was all a
demonstration/wedding party/frat party that got boisterous and out of
control because of a video seen by 300 people on youtube. Get your
facts straight or just be a good little sycophant and carry the water.
Believe the spoon-fed excrement your masters give you!
Gunner Asch
2013-05-18 11:50:12 UTC
On Wed, 15 May 2013 23:12:58 -0400, "Robert A. Leffingwell"
On Wed, 15 May 2013 15:26:22 -0400, "Robert A. Leffingwell"
An example of a lie is announcing in the State of the Union that Iraq
importing fissionable materials out of Niger and was part of the
that resulted in 9/11. Then the GOP used that lie as an excuse to
create a
war with Iraq whose sole purpose was to provide no-bid contracts for
Blackwater's mercenaries and to benefit Halliburton.
Thats a fine example of a bunch of lies!
It sure is. Bush did all of that, all based on lies.
Who's "Bush"? What does "Bush" have to do with Obama and Clinton lying
about a terrorist attack they have conquered terrorism before a
presidential election? Are you that confused?
If anyone is confused it's you. Your problem is that you have been around
Republican shit so long, you have no idea what the truth is.
Bush is a fool and Cheney is a liar whose only interest in Iraq was in the
cause of no-bid contracts from Eric Prince and for Halliburton.
If you had an IQ greater than 70 I would explain that a lie is telling
everyone that Iraq is building nuke-you-lar weapons and we need to go to war
with Iraq. And, oh yeah... we need million dollar mercenaries from
Blackwater and $150 per hour truck drivers from Halliburton.
An educated guess that's wrong is telling people that US diplomats were
killed by Brand X terrorists when they were really killed by Brand Y
terrorists then correcting yourself three days later.
So you refuse to answer the question. Not surprising for a liar.

"You guess the truth hurts?


"Hurt" aint the word.

For Liberals, the truth is like salt to a slug.
Sunlight to a vampire.
Raid® to a cockroach.
Sheriff Brody to a shark
Bush to a Liberal

The truth doesn't just hurt. It's painful, like a red hot poker shoved
up their ass. Like sliding down a hundred foot razor blade using their
dick as a brake.

They HATE the truth."
2013-05-22 20:28:12 UTC
Four loyal Americans sacrificed for Obama's re-election. Then cover-up.
The voters knew about the killings. That's why Obama only carried the
popular vote by a SCANT 5.9 MILLION votes instead of 6 million votes.
There was that much voter fraud, eh?
Joe Cooper
2013-06-10 22:36:29 UTC
I am always fascinated by the proggie obsession with homosexual acts.
Do you think it's related to a GOP congressman having sex with
male pages?
Nahhhh... GOPukes don't do things like that, right? No siree... they
their homosexual sexual things with vice cops in the airport john.
I have no idea why progressives are obsessed with homosexual acts. Maybe
they were born that way.
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Talking about Republican racism, idiocy and selfishness became dinner
table conversations for millions. President Obama's viciousness was
downgraded to "incivility," or even admired as strength by his followers.
Scapegoating Republicans for the country's woes was greeted happily and
amplified by his followers. Hatred of Republicans was a fun way for
them to bond with one another. It reinforced their sense of moral and
political superiority, as scapegoating always does. No Republican
policy was considered a well-meaning, albeit misguided, proposal aimed
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