(too old to reply)
2009-12-26 01:37:08 UTC
Specially to mpc755 and PaulStowe.
To Paul, for not answering my request to define mass, force,
etc in
his long reply to me yesterday. (It left me pondering my OLD
definitions while dozing on and off through the night.)
To mpc for steering me toward the first new definition of a
word that
I've had to make in several years. I will discuss the new
in a follow-up message.
The word is "aether"! {Should we call it "mpcether"}
The word is aether. It is a matter of what properties we apply
to it.
So far the properties are displacement and entrainment and not
at rest when displaced.
Happy Holidays.
To Glird and MPC755, to me and most the aether is, as the ancient
Greeks the medium of space. It, kike many concepts in the history
science has taken on different characteristics for different
interpretations. In fact, many arguments are about those
of the medium rather that it itself.
It is my view (and I think was Maxwell's & Lorentz) that it is it,
that gives matter its properties. If so, it is NOT matter but
the building blocks of same. Peter Draper (PD) kept trying to pin
into a corner into claiming that I was advocating a 'material'
as the aether. I countered and still claim that it is all
on how one uses the definitions. It seems clear from the
of nature that the aether must be of a particulate nature and
of quantized vortices as identified by Maxwell. These aether
will have individual momentum and thus a characteristic speed, c.
is compressible, thus by definition of that term, has some spacing
granularity between said entities. However, since from our
perspective, we can never stop a single aether entity rest mass,
the term mass as we define it cannot be assigned to them. We
certainly can 'compute' a value for it just like we can for a
but the very same restrictions apply. Thus massive terms can be
defined for the medium, a 'mass' density for example. I doubt that
the concept of pressure, per-se can even be applied since there
exist nothing for such to exert itself against. However, momentum/
energy gradients, stress, strain, shear, temperature, and such are
applicable. The term 'ether' is a modern contracted version of the
same word and can be confused with the chemical which smells
sooo...sweet. As such, using the proper spelling avoids all such
The concept of pressure can be applied to the aether. When the
is displaced by matter it is not at rest. The aether pushing back
towards the matter is the aether pressure. The aether pressure
associated with the aether displaced by massive objects is gravity.
A C-60 molecule in a double slit experiment creates a displacement
wave in the aether. The C-60 molecule always enters and exits a
slit while the displacement wave the C-60 molecule creates in the
aether enters and exits multiple slits. When the displacement wave
exits the slits it creates interference which alters the direction
C-60 molecule travels. Detecting the C-60 molecule causes the
displacement wave to be turned into chop (dechoerence) and there is
interference and the direction the C-60 molecule travels is not
In my opinion, you difficulty is thinking that matter is, somehow,
different and 'displaces' the medium. That's not the case for Maxwell/
Kelvin's vortex knots/soliton model. Certainly there is flows,
oscillations, and density gradients but pressure is defined (and it is
a definition problem, again) as a force per unit area. If there
exists no surfaces upon which the pressure can act it has no meaning.
At the level of the aether this is the case. I have a question, have
you studied Maxwell's actual model?
I have read a book on Maxwell and have searched him on the web.
Maxwell's concept of a displacement current which is a precursor to
Aether Displacement.
Even if you choose not to discuss the aether in terms of pressure, the
Earth is still then compressing the aether it interacts with as it
orbits the Sun. This interaction requires energy. If the aether does
not 'compress back', there is no momentum.
However you want to define it, matter displaces the aether which would
otherwise exist where the matter is. This displaced aether is not at
rest. In my terminology, the aether pushes back. This pushing back is
a pressure towards the displacing matter. When you get to massive
objects like the Earth, this pushing back is gravity. Aether is also
displaced by objects moving through it.
'Ether and the Theory of Relativity by Albert
"the [ether] of the former is at every place determined by connections
with the matter and the state of the ether in neighbouring places"
This state is the aether's state of displacement and entrainment.
This connection is why a moving C-60 molecule creates a displacement
wave in the aether and is the reason for the observed behaviors of a
C-60 molecule in a double slit experiment.
A moving object or particle has an associated aether displacement wave.
Reading books on Maxwell's theory is not the same as reading Maxwell
first hand. Most either deliberately or by 'telephone' misrepresent
his works, especially the earlier ones. Heavyside for one was no fan
of Maxwell's model and deliberately and actively either misrepresented
or ignored many elements of Maxwell's work. He's famous for saying
Maxwell's theory is only Maxwell's equations. That's like saying that
everything that is a house is only that which you can see. In reading
your copious posting here it seems very clear to me that you do not
understand Maxwell's model. Try actually reading
and understanding what is being presented.
Just for an example, what is the difference between pressure and
energy density for a simple irrotational gas? The answer, the number
of dimensions under evaluation. That is why one can write,
c^2 = 3P/z
since pressure is one dimensional we need the 3 to represent to total
energy density of 3D space. Did you notice that pressure and energy
density has the very same physical dimensionality?
However 'I' want to define it in Maxwell's model matter does not
displace the aether.
When Maxwell discusses a displacement current is there a physical
If Maxwell's displacement current is not a physical displacement,
which makes no sense, all that means is Maxwell's model is not Aether
Displacement. My model is Aether Displacement.
If Maxwell's displacement current is not a physical displacement,
which makes no sense, all that means is Maxwell's model is not Aether
Displacement. Your model is illogical crap that makes no sense, moron.-
Light travels at 'c' with respect to the aether.

An atomic clock 'ticks' with respect to the aether pressure.

The aether pressure associated with the aether displaced by massive
objects is gravity.

When a double slit experiment is performed with a C-60 molecule the
C-60 molecule enters and exits a single slit while the displacement
wave the C-60 molecule creates in the aether travels through multiple

Einstein's train gedanken performed with any medium at rest with
respect to the embankment and the light traveling through the medium
travels from A and B to M'. Light travels with respect to the medium.

Einstein's train gadenken performed with aether at rest with respect
to the embankment and the light traveling through the aether travels
from A and B to M'. Light travels with respect to the aether.

In the image on the right here:

There are physical waves in the aether traveling both the blue and
red paths, while a photon 'particle' travels the blue or red path.
the blue and red paths are combined in the image, the physical waves
in the aether create interference which alters the direction the
photon 'particle' travels.
2009-12-28 03:23:51 UTC
Aether is an elastic medium
Prove it, shithead.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
When a double slit experiment is perfomed with a C-60 molecule, the
C-60 molecule always enters and exits a single slit while the
displacement wave in the aether travels through multiple slits.
That is what all of the experiment evidence suggests because whenever
a C-60 molecule is detected exiting the slits, it is always exiting a
single slit.
To think a C-60 molecule exits multiple slits when you do not look for
it, is nonsense.
Well done. That's the best proof of shitheaded ignorance I've ever seen.
When a double door experiment is performed with an elephant, the
elephant always enters and exits a single door while the coffee drips
through the filter paper (whether it has slits or not).
That is what all of the experiment evidence suggests because whenever
an elephant is detected exiting the doors, it is always exiting a single
To think an elephant exits multiple doors when you do not look for
it, is nonsense.
This has sweet fuck all to do with proving anything else, but I thought
I'd share it with you.
The elephant is traveling fast enough through water
When a double door experiment is performed with an elephant no water
is used, shithead. When a no-slit coffee filter experiment is performed
it is done in the kitchen, not at the bottom of the sea, cretin.
In a modified double door experiment water is used.
I don't modify experiments to fake results, idiot. No water is used,
 the elephant would drown and the RSPCA would object.
To think an elephant exits multiple doors when you do not look for
it, is nonsense, Dumbo.
To think a C-60 molecule exits multiple slits when you do not look for
it is nonsense. The displacement wave the moving C-60 molecule creates
in the aether exits multiple slits.
2009-12-28 23:19:29 UTC
Alas, THIS time the head ass at Hogswart ignored his mirror image's
advice, "If you have nothing to say, shithead, shut the fuck up"!


Thank God!!!

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