2009-07-25 19:26:24 UTC
Previously I stated "All matter emits radiation unless it is at zero kelvin.
a warm body loses heat through radiation and gains heat through
radiation, as we've noticed when the sun shines and heats the planet.
If the Earth did not radiate all the heat it receives from the Sun it's
temperature would climb as it absorb more energy than it radiated.
Therefore any body with a temperature above zero degrees kelvin
will radiate as much radiant energy as it absorbs from any external
source or become so hot it glows and radiates anyway.
Perhaps Moron Bigot Peterson has some magic trick to prevent this
from happening and will disclose his genius to the rest of the world.
that didn't emit radiation.
All matter emits radiation unless it is at zero kelvin. Dork matter
was invented to account for the "too fast" rotation of galaxies.
Local galaxies have no dork matter, only far off galaxies do.
Hic sunt draconis.
Actually it's quite simple.
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As the star orbits the galaxy the speed of the light it emits remains
constant with respect to the star. Therefore it must vary with respect
to us, the observers, according to the principle of relativity and
no aether to wave in.
For *most* of the period, the light appears red-shifted and the star
appears to be moving slower than it actually is: dT/dt > 1.
For a very short while, the light is blue-shifted and the star appears
to move faster than it actually is: dT/dt <1. Thus the galaxy as a whole
is assumed to be moving away and contain dork matter, based on
the absurd assumption that the speed of light only has one value, c,
in all frames of reference.
Did you know pencils bend when you put them in water?
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'By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox.' -
Galileo Galilei
I thought that was a master-stroke of Wormley to crosspost between SAA"
a warm body loses heat through radiation and gains heat through
radiation, as we've noticed when the sun shines and heats the planet.
If the Earth did not radiate all the heat it receives from the Sun it's
temperature would climb as it absorb more energy than it radiated.
Therefore any body with a temperature above zero degrees kelvin
will radiate as much radiant energy as it absorbs from any external
source or become so hot it glows and radiates anyway.
Perhaps Moron Bigot Peterson has some magic trick to prevent this
from happening and will disclose his genius to the rest of the world.
Within 2 to 3 billion years, the gravitational pull would remove many
stars from the
lower-mass dwarf, D'Onghia says. Because dark matter does not rotate, it
would be left
behind in the dwarf galaxy.
Dark matter doesn't rotate? I thought dark matter was simply masshttp://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/45877/title/Rotation_may_s...
Within 2 to 3 billion years, the gravitational pull would remove many
stars from the
lower-mass dwarf, D'Onghia says. Because dark matter does not rotate, it
would be left
behind in the dwarf galaxy.
that didn't emit radiation.
was invented to account for the "too fast" rotation of galaxies.
Local galaxies have no dork matter, only far off galaxies do.
Hic sunt draconis.
Actually it's quite simple.
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As the star orbits the galaxy the speed of the light it emits remains
constant with respect to the star. Therefore it must vary with respect
to us, the observers, according to the principle of relativity and
no aether to wave in.
For *most* of the period, the light appears red-shifted and the star
appears to be moving slower than it actually is: dT/dt > 1.
For a very short while, the light is blue-shifted and the star appears
to move faster than it actually is: dT/dt <1. Thus the galaxy as a whole
is assumed to be moving away and contain dork matter, based on
the absurd assumption that the speed of light only has one value, c,
in all frames of reference.
Did you know pencils bend when you put them in water?
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'By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox.' -
Galileo Galilei
Now it's imbued with the capability to
remain fixed in space while stuff embedded in it rotates? Wouldn't
that violate the equivalence principle (gravitational mass with zero
inertial mass)?
remain fixed in space while stuff embedded in it rotates? Wouldn't
that violate the equivalence principle (gravitational mass with zero
inertial mass)?
and sci.physics,sort of like mixing acid with poison,not bad for a
self-confessed insignificant Iowa farm boy,in any case,he got what he
wanted now that you have shown up with the empirical puppet show in
In any case John ,don't worry about that nuisance,go back to your
sticks and a star ,set your stopwatch going and come back in 365 days
and you will find it takes another 5 hours 49 minutes for the same
star to return to a meridian.Then you can figure out where the equable
24 hour days come from and eventually how it fits in with the
independent rotation of the Earth.