Ravens players fined
(too old to reply)
2007-12-08 02:05:10 UTC
It looks like Billick is kissing up to the NFL office to avoid
further "retaliation" from the officials during this Sunday's
Colts game that should extend the chicken's losing streak to 7.
You would not be inferring that it is possible, ...even likely, ...that
referees can and/or do "retaliate" against a team and/or it's players while
a game was in progress ...would you... ?
In English, please.
Or more accurately, start calling penalties they should have called all game.
You've got that right!

One writer for the Baltimore Sun indicated that Billick was concerned that
the referees would retaliate in future games.


The office should have fined him for those statements which infer bias in future games.

What a bunch of whining losers - from the top on down...
RãvNsfãn ®
2007-12-08 15:11:27 UTC
It looks like Billick is kissing up to the NFL office to avoid
further "retaliation" from the officials during this Sunday's
Colts game that should extend the chicken's losing streak to 7.
You would not be inferring that it is possible, ...even likely, ...that
referees can and/or do "retaliate" against a team and/or it's players
a game was in progress ...would you... ?
In English, please.
What exactly is giving you difficulty... ?
Or more accurately, start calling penalties they should have called,
all game,
I agree as I likely observed as many fouls by Pats players that were
overlooked as you feel you observed Ravens fouls, however, consistency can't
be said to be a virtue in the NFL respective to their referees.

For 58 minutes of that game the referee crew seemed to allow the players
(for the most part) to play the game without referee interference. I don't
understand why that suddenly had to change after the two minute warning.

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"Talk is cheap..., lets go play"
(Johnny Unitas - Baltimore Colts)

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