Go fuck yourself, dickless pussy.-
Thanks for proving once again you got
no clue on how to write English.
Pot, kettle ...
Thanks for proving once again you HAVE
no clue on how to write English.
Plus the statement is an abusive lie from the group's archetypal
liar ...
Colin D.
Go lick a sheep's balls, dickhead.
That's a reply?
You are totally and utterly clueless, Noons. Sheep do not have balls.
RAMS have balls.
WTF cares? You? Ah well...
Not only do you have no good grasp of your first language, you have no
idea of fundamental anatomy either.
Of sheep? you got that right.
Moron kiwis like you are the subject experts.
What mental institution were you in before the psychiatric
hand-wringers let the inmates out to enjoy the privileges of freedom?
even though some, like you, are incapable of living without medical
The normal people. You know: the ones that actually go out, take
photos, show them. Not morons like you.
With your unhealthy predilection for words like fuck, prick, balls,
etc. its clear you have a sex fetish. Just stay away from children
and you might be ok.
Care to tell me that face to face, sheep lover?
But open cowards like you are never capable of doing so, isn't it?
Hooked a nerve there, did we? revealing, I'd say.