rbwinn's refutation of Galilean Transformations
(too old to reply)
2011-01-23 02:40:41 UTC
My, my, who would have thought there would be such hatred over some
irrelevant equations?
No .. its for you.  You're a lying arrogant hypocritical moron .. everything
I hate.  You don't deserve to live.
And that's the first thing you've gotten right .. your equations are
[snip nonsense]
Well, you might want to consider what a friend of my father did. He
went to the Sheriff's office and told them he was going crazy. To
humor him, since he had been drinking, they put him in a cell for the
night. The next morning he was a raving lunatic, and they took him to
the state hospital.
Think about it. What would be worse, spending the rest of your
life in a mental institution, or killing a bunch of people the way the
guy in Tucson did?
2011-01-27 11:45:30 UTC
       Your problem is that you are using time on a slower clock as
No clock was mentioned
No t' was mentioned
 What you need to do is convert the time on the slower clock to
the time coordinates in S and S'.
No clock was mentioned
No frame S was mentioned
No frame S' was mentioned
No time coordinate was mentioned
It would help if you actually READ the posts and replied to what they
actually SAID.  Your inability to read AND comprehend may explain a lot of
your ignorance and stupidity.
Well, if a clock cannot be used, if no t' was mentioned, if there was
no frame S', and there was no time coordinate, then nothing was said,
was there?
I think we have identified the problem. You never really say
anything. You just multiply words without meaning.
2011-02-08 11:35:55 UTC
Well, I have my little faults, but being unwilling to discuss
relativity has never been one of them.
No .. you are only willing to put forward your lies and nonsense .. that
NOT discussion.
So you do not like discussing the position of one frame of reference
relative to the other.  What a surprise.
LIAR .. i never said anything of the sort, nor anything that could be
interpreted as that.
So .. you are either are incapable of comprehending simple statements, or
you are a blatant liar.  What a surprise.
Well, talk is cheap, Inertial. Go ahead with your dissertation about
the position of the origin of S' relative to the origin of S and the
position of the origin of S relative to the origin of S'.
