Denying the Holocaust, Part 1 of 4
(too old to reply)
2007-05-03 15:22:18 UTC
On Tue, 01 May 2007 19:00:13 -0400, Matt Giwer
There remains no physical evidence of gas chambers.
Ooooo look! Matt the Pratt is on about "physical evidence" again. Go on,
then, Matt. Tell us what "physical evidence" is.
He's getting his backside pummelled over in alt.revisionism (as usual)
which is why he's included archaeology groups in the crosspost
I have no idea who added sci.arkie to these posts.
I have no idea why you folks want to expose your total lack of physical
evidence to a larger audience. As this is a sci newsgroup the regulars know in
fact what constitutes physical evidence in archaeology. It has to be abundantly
clear to them all you don't have jack.
Lack of physical evidence? Here's the big problem for you Matt.
You have never been to any of these controversial sites to examine the
alleged evidence for yourself.
So what you know about physical evidence is merely STATEMENTS you have
read and heard from other people.
Now, the fact is that there are plenty of statements about the gas
chambers, and the people who have made these statements can be divided
into two broad groups: (1) those who say that there really were gas
chambers as part of a mass extermination of Jews and others during the
Second World War; (2) those who deny that there was a Holocaust.
Too simple man.
There is another group which not denies the discrimination policy against jews,
slavics, gypsies, gays under nazi's regime.
This group doesn't deny the numerous victims of those categories in the
concentration camps.
What this group denies is the existence of homicidal gas chambers and a real
plan of extermination of those categories of people.
You, Matt, believe only what you hear from people in group 2. You do
so without having any first-hand experience of the evidence. From the
comfort of your trailer park, many years after the alleged event, you
confidently claim that only statements from group 2 can be believed.
Where the Doubt comes from?
Simply from the scrutiny of the documents available about the morgues allegedly
transformed in "gas chambers" and the remains of those rooms which are visible

The doubt comes from the analysis of what is presented to us by the Dogma as
being the "modus operandi" of supposed "gassing operations".

It is actually a real bricolage and an real injury to the technical capacity of
the nazis at that time.
Group 2 consists of anti-Semites who refuse to believe the massive
body of evidence for the Holocaust. Morons who belong in the same
lunatic category as Flat Earthers and kooks who deny that Neil
Armstrong walked on the moon. Islamic fundamentalists belong in there
too, fanatical idiots who believe in the literal truth of everything
they read in the Koran but don't believe in the Holocaust. Good
company for you Matt.
That's the bullshit the holokostianms want the people to believe.
I am not a dumbass ignorant. I know what is science and technique.
And, please stop to call "nazi" or "anti-Semite" all people who don't believe in
the Dogma. The Dogma's skeptics aren't the assholes you want they to be.

I am an atheist, thus I have not a receptive mind to any religion or bullshit
coming without solid scientific basis.

That is precisely what the holokostians want us to believe with that bullshit of
"homicidal gas chambers".

AT the moment, ANY alleged document or supposed "proof" of the existence of
"homicidal gas chambers" are convincing for people like me.

Au contraire, many and many documents show that the nazis planned, designed and
built morgues at Birkenau.

Furthermore, documents prove that the morgue at Krema I actually worked as a
morgue while many "eyewitnesses testimonies" pretend to have seen "gassing
operation" in that room during that very same time.
Group 1 contains a lot more people than group 2. And it consists not
only of Jews and "Holohuggers." It also includes a lot of people who,
like you, are critical of Israel's current behavior in the Middle
East. And it also includes a lot of Nazis. Remember, many of the
people who perpetrated the Holocaust did not deny it. They were proud
of it and only sorry that it was stopped short before they had
achieved their ultimate and loudly proclaimed goal: a Jew-free Europe.
Group 1 is more numerous mainly by lack of information.
I was brain washed in France since my school formation and under the media
bombing by that holokost's religion.

I actually was in group 1 before studying better the "gas chamber" question
after reading a Garaudy's book in 1995.

I am an engineer with scientific and technical knowledge.
My job is to design, plan and install industrial plants of all sort.
Be sure that I am pretty well qualified to analyze the installations planned by
the nazis in order to carry out their supposed "extermination plan".

Now, my conviction is pretty forged and I assume that I could put a serious
doubt in the head of people who understand technical things like me.

A simple question to start Jack: what are the specific killing installations
which differentiate concentration from extermination camps?
Matt Giwer
2007-05-04 04:12:40 UTC
On Tue, 01 May 2007 19:00:13 -0400, Matt Giwer
There remains no physical evidence of gas chambers.
Ooooo look! Matt the Pratt is on about "physical evidence" again. Go on,
then, Matt. Tell us what "physical evidence" is.
He's getting his backside pummelled over in alt.revisionism (as usual)
which is why he's included archaeology groups in the crosspost
I have no idea who added sci.arkie to these posts.
I have no idea why you folks want to expose your total lack of physical
evidence to a larger audience. As this is a sci newsgroup the regulars know in
fact what constitutes physical evidence in archaeology. It has to be abundantly
clear to them all you don't have jack.
Lack of physical evidence? Here's the big problem for you Matt.
You have never been to any of these controversial sites to examine the
alleged evidence for yourself.
I have never heard of any physical evidence being alleged. Therefore I know of
nothing to examine.

I guess you are a late comer but this round has been going on for at least a
month and no one has described any physical evidence of gas chambers. Would you
like to be the first?
So what you know about physical evidence is merely STATEMENTS you have
read and heard from other people.
What I have noted is there is no claim of any physical evidence of gas chambers.

Here's what you need to do. You need to go review the entire thread, learn what
has been discussed. When you do then you can come back and add to what has been
Now, the fact is that there are plenty of statements about the gas
chambers, and the people who have made these statements can be divided
into two broad groups: (1) those who say that there really were gas
chambers as part of a mass extermination of Jews and others during the
Second World War; (2) those who deny that there was a Holocaust.
That lie has already been exposed. So again, go learn what has been exposed so
you do not repeat old lies.
If Americans knew about Israel's treatment of non-Jews they would turn
against Israel as fast as they did against apartheid South Africa.
-- The Iron Webmaster, 3737
nizkor http://www.giwersworld.org/nizkook/nizkook.phtml
Lawful to bomb Israelis http://www.giwersworld.org/israel/bombings.phtml a11