Ted Nugent is a sick, stupid sadist and a Draft Dodger like Rush!
(too old to reply)
Klaus Schadenfreude
2008-11-15 21:57:20 UTC
Except your belief is based on fantasy, and you people seem to like it
that way.
You mean the Chicken Hawk fantacizes about shitting his pant?
No your chickenshit fantasies about believing it.
Of course, that wouldn't change the fact that he is still a draft
dodging chicken hawk.  It would just mean he took a different route to
avoid service!
You probably couldn't have figure out how and would have ended up
going when you didn't want to. Looks like he's a lot smarter than you.
FU, I served, voluntarily!  
[chuckle] Sure you did.  And so what? Let's assume you're not lying,
although so far you've been so completely dishonest that's hard to
imagine. You volunteered. That doesn't mean everyone wanted to go.
You're an idiot and a coward too!

Wrong again. Those that wanted to or couldn't figure out a way out,
went. Them that didn't want to, didn't.
You said " Good for him for dodging Vietnam if he didn't want to go. I
would have
That's right. You have a problem with that?
Look up the definition of "duty", Sparky Sometimes, in the grown up
world, you have to do things you don't "want to".
And sometimes you have to have the courage NOT to do something. Looks
like you took the coward's way out.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2008-11-15 23:46:02 UTC
You're another moron who has no idea of what "Duty" mean!
[chuckle] Hey, if you think it's your duty, have at it. It ain't my
duty, so I choose not to go.

Ted obviously felt the same. More power to him.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2008-11-15 23:48:52 UTC
An interviewer from the British newspaper The Independent questioned
Nugent about a 1977 interview in High Times magazine in which Nugent
allegedly detailed elaborate steps taken to avoid the Vietnam draft.
  "I got 30 days' notice of the physical," Nugent told them. "I
ceased cleansing my body. Two weeks before the test I stopped eating
food with nutritional value. A week before, I stopped going to the
bathroom. I did it in my pants. My pants got crusted up." [6]
The article continues....
Nugent dismissed the veracity of these statements, saying "You've got
to realize that these interviewers would arrive with glazed eyes and I
would make stories up." He explained that he did not go to Vietnam
because he had a 1 year student deferment.
I prefer to believe the former, as there are many more cites that say
he deliberately and fraudulently avoided the draft!
Either way, he's a liar!  AND, in any event, he wiggled his way out of
the draft which still would make him a Draft Dodger.
Wouldn't Nugent being a draft dodger endear him to the left? It would
make him one of them, though it would also help if he were a heroin
addict and blew up buildings.
No, it would just make him a coward and a duty shirking shill!
The "Pinko" Oliver Stone served his country in ways that the blowhard,
draft dodging Limbaugh and Nugent refused to!
Was FDR a leftist by your way of thinking?
FDR was a leftist by ANYONE'S way of thinking. LOL

Good for Nugent for refusing to go.
Tim Miller
2008-11-16 01:07:09 UTC
On Nov 15, 7:47 pm, Tim Millertheinvalid,invalid
Chicken Hawk? Coward? Naah. Neither one, actually.
Actually, yeah, Sparky, you're all of the above! Fact, you defend a chicken hawk, draft dodger as if he was a person deserving of defense!
Because YOU say so? But, we've already determined
you're an idiot.
And you're a fool, who isn't bright enough to know it!!
But STILL so much smarter than you!
Delusional assumption noted. I had crab grass with more intelligence
and character than you!
Talk to a lot of crab grass, do you? That figures.
Interesting, you equate disloyalty and dishonor as "intelligent".
No, I equate you dopey fucks with UNINTELLIGENT.

I'm not surprised you can't keep up, though. That's
most likely WHY you volunteered to be cannon fodder
for South Viet Nam.
The last"stupid fuck" I had was your sister!
I don't HAVE a sister. But, I'm not surprised you
couldn't tell... you fucked a goat, didn't you?
Manic hysteria noted!
Adam Smith
2008-11-16 02:48:20 UTC
An interviewer from the British newspaper The Independent questioned
Nugent about a 1977 interview in High Times magazine in which Nugent
allegedly detailed elaborate steps taken to avoid the Vietnam draft.
"I got 30 days' notice of the physical," Nugent told them. "I
ceased cleansing my body. Two weeks before the test I stopped eating
food with nutritional value. A week before, I stopped going to the
bathroom. I did it in my pants. My pants got crusted up." [6]
The article continues....
Nugent dismissed the veracity of these statements, saying "You've got
to realize that these interviewers would arrive with glazed eyes and I
would make stories up." He explained that he did not go to Vietnam
because he had a 1 year student deferment.
I prefer to believe the former, as there are many more cites that say
he deliberately and fraudulently avoided the draft!
Either way, he's a liar! AND, in any event, he wiggled his way out of
the draft which still would make him a Draft Dodger.
Wouldn't Nugent being a draft dodger endear him to the left? It would
make him one of them, though it would also help if he were a heroin
addict and blew up buildings.
No, it would just make him a coward and a duty shirking shill!
The "Pinko" Oliver Stone served his country in ways that the blowhard,
draft dodging Limbaugh and Nugent refused to!
Was FDR a leftist by your way of thinking?
Yes, I'd say FDR was a leftist. His socialist government policies and
his favorable slant towards the USSR so indicate. There are degrees of
leftism. FDR was not as progressive as Joseph Stalin, for example, but
both were in the same ideological camp. Hey, with Obama as prez, maybe
America can now become a progressive country as well.
Will the last American please lower the flag, fold it carefully, and put
it away?
Judge Piglet
2008-11-16 03:38:32 UTC
"... First thing I slayed...I was nine years old.  It was a squirrel,
these ladies were feeding it, you know, and I said, 'excuse me, bam.'
No it wasn't a pet squirrel.  I had it stuffed and petted it for years
after that." - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., September 26,
..."unethical," says Mr. Caires, who was angered after he took Nugent out on
a hunt in April.  "He shoots at anything," Mr. Cairnes claims.
"You should kill what you can use.  He just likes to kill a lot of
animals." (Cairnes is a hunting guide who takes people out to stab
wild pigs in Hawaii) - The Wall Street Journal, July 25, 1995, 'Why
Sit on the Beach When You Could Stab a Wild Pig?
Curious how all the cites of this on the 'net have the exact same
Nor does Cairnes' name appear here, although he could have retired by
Go play Russian Roulette with you Glock, you moron!
So, you only like shooting when they're not shooting back, sissy!
hahahahah!! Klaus made another friend! [chuckle]

"Jeezus is the coolest of ALL the gods....."

The Semi-Honorable Judge Pontius Pigglesworth, presiding
Klaus Schadenfreude
2008-11-16 04:43:24 UTC
"... First thing I slayed...I was nine years old.  It was a squirrel,
these ladies were feeding it, you know, and I said, 'excuse me, bam.'
No it wasn't a pet squirrel.  I had it stuffed and petted it for years
after that." - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., September 26,
..."unethical," says Mr. Caires, who was angered after he took Nugent out on
a hunt in April.  "He shoots at anything," Mr. Cairnes claims.
"You should kill what you can use.  He just likes to kill a lot of
animals." (Cairnes is a hunting guide who takes people out to stab
wild pigs in Hawaii) - The Wall Street Journal, July 25, 1995, 'Why
Sit on the Beach When You Could Stab a Wild Pig?
Curious how all the cites of this on the 'net have the exact same
Nor does Cairnes' name appear here, although he could have retired by
Go play Russian Roulette with you Glock, you moron!
Are you too frightened to do it yourself? [chuckle]
So, you only like shooting when they're not shooting back, sissy!
WTF are you babbling about, shit-for-brains?
Klaus Schadenfreude
2008-11-16 04:45:40 UTC
Yet, you volunteered.
To serve the USA, Sparky!
ROFLMAO I'll bet you just couldn't figure out how to shit your pants.
That's what I figured. Too bad it was all in your dreams.
Well, maybe you and you cowardly idol could give a demonstration
Tell us more about how you "served the USA," liar. It's a giggle.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2008-11-16 16:01:51 UTC
On Nov 15, 11:46 pm, Klousy Suckstedregularly
I don't think they'd take someone like that into the army, even if he
wanted to "serve his country" really, really bad.
Well Sparky, finally, you're partially right, you moron!  
Yeah, I figured you lied.
You're not good at figuring out anything!
You can't even figure out that Ted's a Phony!
A phony what? He's not a phony vet like you.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2008-11-16 16:04:49 UTC
Everybody's talking about what a dumb shit you are.
Hey Moron, you made ACE in an evening.  And no one said anyone coud be
that moronic.  
Then you came along and proved everyone wrong. You COULD be that
No., Sparky, you're a certified moron and I've got proof!
You've got an urge to make an idiot of yourself by believing
everything you read.
Judge Piglet
2008-11-16 16:28:47 UTC
Tell us more about your adventures in SE Asia, liar.
Show me where I said I served in SE ASIA, you mental midget.
So you joined during PEACETIME, you fucking coward? LOL
Want to see my DD214?
Then fuck off, shorty.
As soon as I'm done with your mom! No go wipe Ted's balls.
Loading Image...
What was your MOS?
eeeeeewwwww! almost got a visual!

"Jeezus is the coolest of ALL the gods....."

The Semi-Honorable Judge Pontius Pigglesworth, presiding
2008-11-18 04:14:24 UTC
An interviewer from the British newspaper The Independent questioned
Nugent about a 1977 interview in High Times magazine in which Nugent
allegedly detailed elaborate steps taken to avoid the Vietnam draft.
"I got 30 days' notice of the physical," Nugent told them. "I
ceased cleansing my body. Two weeks before the test I stopped eating
food with nutritional value. A week before, I stopped going to the
bathroom. I did it in my pants. My pants got crusted up." [6]
The article continues....
Nugent dismissed the veracity of these statements, saying "You've got
to realize that these interviewers would arrive with glazed eyes and I
would make stories up." He explained that he did not go to Vietnam
because he had a 1 year student deferment.
I prefer to believe the former, as there are many more cites that say
he deliberately and fraudulently avoided the draft!
Either way, he's a liar! AND, in any event, he wiggled his way out of
the draft which still would make him a Draft Dodger.
Wouldn't Nugent being a draft dodger endear him to the left? It would
make him one of them, though it would also help if he were a heroin
addict and blew up buildings.
No, it would just make him a coward and a duty shirking shill!
The "Pinko" Oliver Stone served his country in ways that the blowhard,
draft dodging Limbaugh and Nugent refused to!
Was FDR a leftist by your way of thinking?

Everyone knows now we should of never went to Vietnam. We didn't do shit.
The commies didn't take over. There was no domino effect. We had no agenda
except empire expanding for no reason except to spend money. In a randomly
picked country. McNamera stated it was a big blunder. We could of easily
negotiated the mess away fast.
Our wars are the fastest unpatriotic way to destroying America by spending
us into the poor house. And racking up the debt. Until the peso is worth

Anyone who didn't go and knew this then should be hailed as a patriot.

Except Jane Fonda . Who threw in US POWs who gave her a I'm alive note.
Which she delivered to the prison camp commandant. To make a political
antiwar statement.
