Klaus Schadenfreude
2008-11-15 21:57:20 UTC
Except your belief is based on fantasy, and you people seem to like it
that way.
You mean the Chicken Hawk fantacizes about shitting his pant?that way.
Of course, that wouldn't change the fact that he is still a draft
dodging chicken hawk. It would just mean he took a different route to
avoid service!
You probably couldn't have figure out how and would have ended updodging chicken hawk. It would just mean he took a different route to
avoid service!
going when you didn't want to. Looks like he's a lot smarter than you.
although so far you've been so completely dishonest that's hard to
imagine. You volunteered. That doesn't mean everyone wanted to go.
Wrong again. Those that wanted to or couldn't figure out a way out,
went. Them that didn't want to, didn't.
You said " Good for him for dodging Vietnam if he didn't want to go. I
would have
That's right. You have a problem with that?would have
Look up the definition of "duty", Sparky Sometimes, in the grown up
world, you have to do things you don't "want to".
And sometimes you have to have the courage NOT to do something. Looksworld, you have to do things you don't "want to".
like you took the coward's way out.