Dirk Van de moortel
2009-07-09 10:09:13 UTC
Let p = mv/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)
dp/dt : correct syntax.
d/dt(p) : incorrect syntax.
Only a numbskull like Bonehead Green would write d/dt(p).
Come back Sept 21 when you realise you've fucked up, you clueless bastard.
According to Bonehead, force increases with velocity (the Einstein Expansion
that the fuckwit calls "Lorentz contraction").
Dirk Vdm
The simplest argument I can think of is that if you find that
p=gamma*m*v, then it is not far to go to say that F=dp/dt, althouh
our authority, John Parker, says that it is syntactically
incorrect. :-) I'll have to take the rest of summer off to find out
=========================================p=gamma*m*v, then it is not far to go to say that F=dp/dt, althouh
our authority, John Parker, says that it is syntactically
incorrect. :-) I'll have to take the rest of summer off to find out
Let p = mv/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)
dp/dt : correct syntax.
d/dt(p) : incorrect syntax.
Only a numbskull like Bonehead Green would write d/dt(p).
Come back Sept 21 when you realise you've fucked up, you clueless bastard.
According to Bonehead, force increases with velocity (the Einstein Expansion
that the fuckwit calls "Lorentz contraction").
Dirk Vdm