2010-03-08 00:16:09 UTC
Nah it was not the puzzle that defeated SR it was inertial, the
one about SR, he actually proved the theory incorrect by boldly
stipulating the new term separation velocity and guess!!!!
Wrong -- Nobody has show SR to be incorrect. There has NEVERhonest
one about SR, he actually proved the theory incorrect by boldly
stipulating the new term separation velocity and guess!!!!
an observation that has contradicted a prediction of SR.
The candy man rules...
Oooooh it feels just like it should.....
D lj citerad text -
- Visa citerad text -
most critical to a moron coming in to a thread stating, i have not
read any of it, but it is wrong. I do not read any of it but it
I will not read any of it but is wrong.
I do not fucking need your field guide i need you to get a properly
working brain.
I had 178 in IQ last time i measured there is some critical thinking
in the box.
I do not repeat dogma, do not learn by heart, i do not parrot, i
evaluate and think about subjects.
Regarding relativity i am done, i do not use turd meters i prefer
- Visa citerad text -
point of view in a cordinate system.
settings are different. WE know about these clocks differences
Basicly you are ***crazy*** the spatial separation remains just the
same beween two objects the obeservers velocity do not affect their
spatial separation.
That is exactly what I have been telling you is the case in SRsame beween two objects the obeservers velocity do not affect their
spatial separation.
to lie.
You are clearly doing both.
You proved above that an object that fire a lightpulse
backward and forward at 0.9999999999 c
No .. at c. Light does not 'fire' at anything other than c.backward and forward at 0.9999999999 c
vector of motion.
An object at 0.9999999999 c and fire the lightpulse at c towards and
***instantly*** the pulse start to move at 3 cm/s relative object. And
the backward pulse move 299 999,99997 km/s.
Oh everyone should notice ***INERTIAL*** just ***reinvented*** the
Lorentz aether...
I always thought Einstein dismissed it and that Michel Morley
disproved it........
have a spatial separation to
the forward lightpulse that is 3 cm after one second, and a spatial
separation bacward that is 299 999.9997 km backwards.
That is what some other observer may measure .. because the source has movedthe forward lightpulse that is 3 cm after one second, and a spatial
separation bacward that is 299 999.9997 km backwards.
after the light was emitted.
units and globally valid. Your fucking turd universe have zero spatial
extension at c.
And this discrepancy just get bigger the more time elapse,
No .. it stays in the same proportion unless the object the emitted thelight pulse changes its velocity again. What it does after it emits the
light does not change the light
separation is same for every observer using units,
NO .. it is not.separation is same for every observer using units,
And it is what i say it is afer one second, a minute, an hour, a day,
a year...
it has nothing todo
with relativity of simultanity.
Yes .. it doeswith relativity of simultanity.
That is not invariant light.
Yes .. it isThis have been known since Euclid...........
And it hasn't changed in SRTHE WAY YOU SUGGESTED B-A always the same for any speed of C and D in
my scenario.
If A and B was 300 000 km apart "spatially separated.
C and D travel towards system A ->B and fire lightpulses when they
parallel on each side of A.
C travel at 0.0000000001 c and D travel at 0.9999999999 c
Now the spatial separation after 1 second when both lightpulses reach
D's spatial separation relative the lightpulse when it reach B is 3
C's spatial separaton relative the lightpulse when it reach B is 299
999,99997 km.
You are a liar....................
****have not changed in SR bwahahhhahahha****
"the spatial separation remains just thesame beween two objects the obeservers velocity do not affect their
spatial separation."
That is is correct in SR. However, it does affect what the moving observer
will measure as the distance between them due to differences in clock
YOU ARE AN IDIOT DISTANCES ARE NOT DEPENDENT UPON OBSERVERS THEY AREwill measure as the distance between them due to differences in clock
3 cm <> 299 999,99997 km understood?????????
But somehow was forgotten under the reign of Einsteinian physic.
No .. you simply don't understand enough of SR to know.- Dölj citeradtext -
physics instead .. maybe you are just enough not-quite-a-moron-yet and can
be saved. But I doubt it.- Dölj citerad text -
- Visa citerad text -