[snip crap]
Unlike you, DLUNU is capable of intelligent conversation, and from what
You stupid mental fuck violate the rules of usenet by posting off topic
crap and insults
The person who started the thread should be your target, dumbass!
So far, all the 'crap' here is yours.
together with your fucking mental stupid boyfriend
Oh... so I cuss, and its "off to the gallows with him". and it is
And when you do it, it is what? "Retarded PIG mentality bullying
Oh, wait... you are not a PIG, you are just a retarded ass, like
Zimmerman who wishes he was a PIG. Damaging society and folks lives as
you trounce through in your pathetic tirade.
DecandentStupidUser, then are you going to tell me about your boyfriend's
You just can't stop being stupid, can you?
You fucking hypocrite are in no way qualified to tell anything about
And you are qualified? You have ZERO qualifications to make ANY
observations about others, JACKASS! Your pathetic, UNsolicited,
UNqualified ASSessments about others decidedly places you in the netkkkop
wanna be realm.
You should run off to the kook group, where you belong now, child.
You both are PROVEN braindead stupid.
Have a citation for even one instance, dork boy? I thought not.
They must be putting
something in your food and in your water.
I think you troll these groups with several nyms, troll. It appears in
your posting tripe too often for you to hide it.
You sure your name isn't Roy? Oh wait.. I just insulted Roy, and
*that* is very difficult to do.
Get your stupid boyfriend and your off-topic firearms bullshit then PISS
OFF from here, got it!!
Netkkkop wanna be retards are always amusing. Especially when it shows
how they are obviously 100% clueless about Usenet.
Also, don't forget to kilfile this thread and group alt.os.linux.suse
forever. Sick fucks
And what are you, little boy among men? A sick fuck wanna be?
[rest of crap snipped]
If only that were true. You would not have been alive to hit the send
Grow up, child. stop trying to order the real men around. You will
ALWAYS fail miserably. Then, there is that mental deficiency holding you
back as well. You probably think you are one of Hitler's 'elite' or some
other such stupidity. Good luck with that, Mr. Zimmerman. You'll need